Cigarette addict (extreme addict) for 28 years, off of them for 20 1/2 years. Started smoking cigars 5 years ago. I believe I should have credibility. There is no equality within the experiences. Cigarettes are all about the smoke in the lungs; cigars, the aromas and experiential sublimation. Smoke and puffing to an accomplished cigar smoker is an antithesis, only a means to keep the cigar lit in order to enjoy the fragrance of the cut, shoulder and partial foot exhaust; to the cigarette smoker, smoke to the lung is the nuts, the driving force. Cigar smoking evokes nuance - a thought, a moment in time; cigarettes nourish a dependency.
The two forms of tobacco use bear little resemblance. If done correctly, the results are as far from one another as enjoying pleasant memories of one's life is to a pie in the face.