A gun is nothing more than a tool... think of it like buying a hammer or a set of screw drivers..
Are you looking for something that will last you a lifetime, be reliable, wont break, is ergo dynamic, low maintenance, etc..
Or will some inexpensive knock off do the job? (primarily going to be a bedside table gun, wont get carried often, see much use/abuse, etc..)..
how do you intend on using it? how frequently will you use it? how rough will you be on it? what conditions will it be exposed to? whats the climate like where you will be most of the time? etc..etc..
Unless you are talking about some kind of crazy hand cannon.. concealment really isnt an issue.. you might need to adjust your wardrobe a little bit.. but I've seen women (much harder for them to "hide" a pistol because of the way their clothes fit and the way they are shaped..) conceal govt model 1911's without a problem... someone your size/build will have no problem keeping anything from a micro to a full size pistol hidden as long as youre willing to make the effort..
those are the type of questions that should drive your decision on both a pistol and a holster (and mag pouches, and ammo, etc..etc..etc..)...
For me.. I've been running the same rig for over a decade... gen 3 G19 in a Kramer Horsehide, mid ride, vertical scabbard.. Ive literally taken that combo all over the globe.. subjected it to just about every climate, element, condition you can imagine.. and it keeps on running... Ive got about 50,000 rounds through my current G19.. the one my wife now owns (was mine.. she decided she liked it.. so she took it lol..).. has about 150,000 rounds through it... other than replacing the springs.. no additional maintenance beyond simple cleaning has ever had to be done on either pistol.. the horsehide looks as good as the day I originally bought it..
Super durable.. super reliable.. reasonably ergo dynamic.. easy to conceal.. light weight with no sharp edges/corners (comfortable to wear).. etc..etc...
I was wearing it, along with 2 spare mags (and a couple of other things) the day you and I met... Im pretty sure neither you or anyone else in the room had a clue...
I own several other pistols (and have owned several more).. and have at different times carried a variety of 1911's, sigs, a couple of berettas (issued.. hated them..), and an old S&W 945... Ive also carried a variety of BUGs (Back Up Gun).. ranging from little beretta 21a, tomcats, seacamps, keltec p32, S&W bodyguards, etc..etc... and "professionally" (in one capacity or another) carried a pistol for better than 20 years..
No matter what else I try.... I always end up going back to the glock (started carrying one in the early 1990's for the first time)...
Simply stated.. it works (for me)...
There are valid arguments that can be made for kydex vs leather.. 9mm vs 45... single stack vs double.. full size vs compact.. etc..etc...
just like there are valid arguments for table saw vs circular saw vs jig saw vs hand saw.... they'll all cut wood.. but each have features and capabilities that the other doesnt.. it really depends on what your situation is.... as well as your preferences...
go test drive a couple of things.. see what you think.. then "pull the trigger"