I wish I had my ccw... was out with the family the Thursday and saw from about 200 yards away what looked like 2 large males attacking a small female. They were getting physical then rolling around in the snow about 20 yards from their car. We called 911 then jumped in the car to get a plate number in case there was a kidnapping or something. I didn't want to get involved if I didn't have too since I had my family in the car and was out numbered. Once we got over there they all were getting back into the car with out confrontation. Looked like it was just a teen son getting some act right from Mommy and Daddy. Which happens. I get it I guess but,was scary for a minute and to make matters worse we sat in a nearby parking lot for 10 min to calm down and there was no police presence whatsoever. We were a whopping 2 miles if that from the police station Needless to say me better half is finally ok with us spending the money for both of us to get our ccw.

When seconds count police are only minutes away lol