For myself, as a US citizen, one of the reasons I choose to carry concealed is that I can. I am simply exercising my right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to our Consitution. I'm an average guy of average size and strength. I pose no threat to anyone who poses no threat to me. I don't live in fear that I'll be robbed or attacked, in fact, my lifestyle is pretty tame these days and I rarely find myself in any place or situation where that would be likely to occur.
However, things can and do happen. I am not afraid that my kitchen will catch fire or that my house will be destroyed by a tornado but I keep fire extinguishers around and insurance on my home. I don't fear that I or someone else will be injured in my house, yard or shop but I keep an extensive first aid kit on hand and have an adequate knowledge of emergency medical treatment. In short, I feel that I should prepare myself as best I can for all the things that can happen in life however unlikely they may be. I don't know who wrote it but when it comes to guns I wholeheartedly agree with the statement: "I'd rather carry a gun all my life and never need it, than never carry a gun and need it one time".
As for stastitics, I agree that it's possible to find and/or present them in such a way as to "prove" any position you choose. I can say however that having lived and worked in the Washington DC metropolitan area for 22 years, the violent crime rates of DC and Suburban MD are shocking when compared with Virginia just across the river.
I'm stepping off my soapbox now.