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Concealed or Open carry?


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
concel carry because so many business are no fire arms zones... which pisses me off because cops are allowed to open carry in those business with no problem if it is a no fire arm zone it is a no fire arm zone no one should be subject to preferential treatment no fire arms means exactly that no fire arms
Cops wear a unifrom that basically puts a target on their backs with thugs, so to compare them with a civilian concealed carrier in this context doesn't make sense to me.
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Dec 5, 2015
Oh I agree with the "gun free zones", we saw in Paris and San Barnardino how well they work as well as schools across the country. Here in Texas we have "30.06" signs businesses may place indicating NO FIREARMS allowed (I will take my business elsewhere) and as of Jan 1 we will have "30.07" signs meaning no open carry but concealed is allowed.

Now while I have no problem with private businesses making that choice, I have a problems with places where guns are verboten than I may be required to go and have no choice. To me, there really isn't a rational excuse for having places that bar private carry firearms that can't be used for an excuse to bar you everywhere. Just my opinion, and I know many will take exception to that. If I decide to rob a post office, why wouldn't I decide to rob a gorcery store? I'm glad the texas legislature finally got wise regarding university and college buildings but even there I don't understand why junior colleges receive an exemption until Aug 2017.

Just my two cents guys, that's all.
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Jul 28, 2015
anderson indiana
Cops wear a unifrom that basically puts a target on their backs with thugs, so to compare them with a civilian concealed carrier in this context doesn't make sense to me.
I don't care if they wear a uniform a no fire arms sign means just that no fire arms. So if I can right fully be asked to leave an establishment because I have a fire arm they should be asked to leave as well
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Jul 20, 2011
Near Twin Cities MN
Yea I prefer people have the option. I won't open carry but I want YOU to have the option.
I would agree with this. Open carry is the lesser of the two FOR SURE, but I do like the fact the freedom is there. It also could stop some over zealous officers from charging you with brandishing. That law is too ambiguous for our own good, but OC makes it a bit more black and white.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
I don't care if they wear a uniform a no fire arms sign means just that no fire arms. So if I can right fully be asked to leave an establishment because I have a fire arm they should be asked to leave as well
How about a school? There is a suspicious person call, maybe a disgruntled ex-employee or homicidal spouse....should the cops leave their weapons in the car?

If a business asks an on-duty cop to leave because of a "no gun policy", the cop should leave and never return. He would have to be nuts to stay.

We can just agree to disagree on this one, not going to change your opinion, and you're not going to change mine.
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Jan 31, 2015
Keller, TX
I opened carried 1 time. I was promptly asked to leave the establishment I went to. Also, in Idaho, once you have you CC you forfeit the right to open carry. At least when I lived there that was the case. Made sense too so I never opened carried again

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Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
Come January first, my carry style will change considerably. I'll be outside the waistband, what I call lazy carry, with a coat or shirttail untucked. I've been carrying for three years now, and still haven't found a holster that I'm able to wear more than about 5-6 hours. I'm thin, with bony hips. OTW is far more comfortable. Not sure outright open carry is the best idea, but I'm with you on liking the fact that we can choose to if we want


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
They are very very few reasons to ever open carry, so few I can't even think of one.

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Sep 3, 2015
They are very very few reasons to ever open carry, so few I can't even think of one.

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Because I can, it is legal in MN. (I don't but, just saying) Someone could say "there are very very few reasons to ever carry, so few I can't even think of one." Well, because I can that's why. And some people do think this, but because I can is a reason unto it self.
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Dec 8, 2015
Roopville, GA 30170
Concealed for me. Open carry is legal with the same permit and pretty common around here, but I don't see any value in alerting people to the fact that I'm armed. One nice thing with open carry being allowed is that I don't concern myself with printing too much.

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Oct 26, 2015
The South
Around People, concealed
In the woods, well no pistol as the old guide joke goes...hope you filed the front sight off your pistol----- huh, why's that? -----so it hurts less when the bear shoves it up your....
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Aug 9, 2014
Southern KY
Come January first, my carry style will change considerably. I'll be outside the waistband, what I call lazy carry, with a coat or shirttail untucked. I've been carrying for three years now, and still haven't found a holster that I'm able to wear more than about 5-6 hours. I'm thin, with bony hips. OTW is far more comfortable. Not sure outright open carry is the best idea, but I'm with you on liking the fact that we can choose to if we want
You need to look into a true concealment holster. I wear an Old Faithful Holster and gun belt 10-14 hours a day. My day goes anywhere from laying on my back, to hanging trusses, to removing an engine from a truck. If my pants are on I have a weapon. Buy yourself a good holster and belt.

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