Stressed out from work, looking forward to a day off. I had my phone service interupted by the cable company today, we've been trying to get the phone service from Comcast and they've been hit and miss on thier end. Today they scheduled a disconect from our regular phone service.
woke up late cause my alarm wasn't set and almost called in sick. I needed the money however so I came to work a little late. Now I am eating instant vietnamese noodles at work.
Worked my ass off getting stuff ready for a visit from a General in the morning, then made it home to the explosion that is our living room after the 2 year old has been at it.
Went into work, tried to clean off my desk (The paper monster Shit ALL over my desk), then had 2 conference calls, lasting 2 each....OMFG "some people talk just to hear them selves talk"....bla bla bla bla :angeryell