Woke up, then had a cigar on the ride to work, then worked (or pretended to do so), will get off of work, go home and eat dinner, tonight I think I will go to the Hard Rock Casino and play a little Hold 'em (maybe a couple rounds at $100 or more if I win).
Showered, dressed, dressed the kids, transported kids to school/daycare, back home for breakfast, commute to work (smoking a bowl), work, work, work, lunch, meeting, work internet surf, and the day goes on......
Today I went back to work, all stuffed up and hacking up a lung. I could still somewhat taste the delicious du Prince I smoked on the way in and really enjoyed the bowl of Boswell's Best I had on the way home. The aromatic was strong enough to power though the stuffiness.
When I got home I played with my wonderful kids for two hours, ate dinner and then gave them a bath.
Now that they are both asleep the wife and I are kicked back relaxing in our La-Z-boy recliners.
Woke up, coffee & the news with a bit of posting, shower/got ready, drove to work, set off my car alarm by accident, work, meeting, work, dinner, beer & FSU/PSU
Went to the Post office to pick up my first box of Cuban's,some Juan Lopez Pratricia's. Stopped by Paul's Pipe Shop for a refresher course. Sent the Boy a belated Xmas Gift. Then I enjoyed a nice bowl of Honeydew Mango in my new Boswell Pipe.Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!! What a Smoker!!!!!!:thumbsup: eace: :santa: :smokingbo
Today I woke up late frankly because I felt like it. That and the fact that I was up watching the Orange Bowl last night. Now I am sitting here at my desk trying to make heads or tails of everything.
Woke up today and got in the shower. Then I checked my email, made some scrambled eggs for breakfast and came into work at 8am. Listening to the Foo Fighters on my computer going through paperwork I need to catch up because I'll be gone for several days.