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Oct 16, 2019
Veteran's Home of Wyoming, Buffalo, Wyoming
I hear you and understand. I am just saying 20 + years ago I used tupperware and the only thing I did not like was having to open all the time so the cigars would not get over humidified. (I learned this the hard way) With an insulated Cooler I have gone 6 months with only a tiny humi puck in it. (they are idiot proof). I wish I lived in a place that was climate controlled and temps vary by 2 degrees at most year round, the best I can do is keep the A/C around 75 in the house.
Yeah, it's a fairly large state run veteran's facility and the climate control in the buildings is excellent, plus every room has its own thermostat as well

I have no issues using Bovadas. Rh is always 65, plus or minus 2 percent.
And still as plump as the day I put them in around Christmas.

The 54qt container will be using heartfelt beads instead though since someone on another forum had extra a really wanted to give them to me, so I have a half pound to a pound of them on the way.
Will be my first time using anything but Bovedas
I hear lots of good reviews about the beads, so hopefully they work well for me
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Jul 23, 2013
I have had the same thought about writing it down.
I have memory damage anyway, but also got a flurry of Cigars from multiple people on multiple forums all within just over a month, so it got confusing quickly and the only way I can connect the Cigars to a specific person at this point is to dig through my pm's and hope that there was one mentioning who sent what, which is only about half at best probably.

I do plan on noting it in the future in the notes section of my cigar inventory app.

Also, I certainly have gifted some Cigars several times now, and will continue to do so when I have more than 3 of any particular Cigar in my supply. In fact , I currently have a surplus of a handful of different Cigars, with more incoming, so will be gifting some of them soon. .

Also, I belong to like 6 cigar forums and have received some from someone on nearly all of them, so it would really only make sense to acknowledge the person on that specific forum, not all of them, as it wouldn't make much sense to mention a completely unknown person to those on the other forums.

I certainly understand where you are coming from though, and certainly agree.

Starting with the next 2 packages I should be getting next week, I'm going to start adding the notes on username and forum in my app.

For example, the heartfelt beads are from someone on another forum, so it would make little sense to acknowledge them on the other forums, and I did acknowledge him on the specific forum.

Hopefully this explains things, and that it certainly isn't my intention to be un-brotherly or not show gratitude.

And fwiw, those that I have gifted to on other forums didn't all acknowledge me, and I'm perfectly fine with that.

My goal on these forums is far from attempting to be popular or receive praise.

I'm here to learn and for the fellowship

And I could be wrong, but I don't believe I have been gifted anything from anyone on this particular forum, nor do I believe I have gifted anyone here anything yet.

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Brothers on cigar forums are over the top generous and love to share their cigars, especially with noobs. But when you’re on 6 different cigar forums, using different names on most, and continually ask about the question like “I‘ve never tried that cigar you’re smoking, what’s it like”, it starts coming across as fishing.
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Oct 16, 2019
Veteran's Home of Wyoming, Buffalo, Wyoming
Brothers on cigar forums are over the top generous and love to share their cigars, especially with noobs. But when you’re on 6 different cigar forums, using different names on most, and continually ask about the question like “I‘ve never tried that cigar you’re smoking, what’s it like”, it starts coming across as fishing.
I have never intended for anyone to send me anything based on a question about something.

I am simply looking for opinions when considering buying something new.

And I don't have different usernames on different forums on purpose, it is due to what was available or popped into my head when setting up the account, and I joined all of them at very different times, as in over several years.

If I ever come across as fishing, I apologize, as its certainly not my intention. I just ask about smokes I'm considering as forums are a major part of my research into new cigars I'm considering.

I use multiple different things as a guide on what to buy.

I would be perfectly fine if no one ever sent me anything.

And I 100% agree that the Cigar community is extremely generous and loves to share cigars, be it through bombs or my personal favorite, trades
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Oct 16, 2019
Veteran's Home of Wyoming, Buffalo, Wyoming
Any opinions on Heartfelt beads vs Bovedas for an airtight 74qt container.

Use bovedas in all my tupperdoors and couldn't be happier with them. Have never used beads but should have enough for it.

Any opinions on what works better and more maintenance free?

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Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Any opinions on Heartfelt beads vs Bovedas for an airtight 74qt container.

Use bovedas in all my tupperdoors and couldn't be happier with them. Have never used beads but should have enough for it.

Any opinions on what works better and more maintenance free?

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You should be able to use both of them together. I use Bovedas in conjunction with kitty litter (basically the same material as beads) and have had rock solid humidty for many years. The beads (or kitty litter) will act as a supplement to the Bovedas and will help things recover quicker after you open the lid. If the moisture level does get a little low you can just spritz the beads with a spray bottle. I have my coolers in a very stable place (temperature wise) so I only have to spritz my kitty litter maybe once a year. I have actually had the same Boveda packs in my 4 coolers for at least 5 years without them going dry or needing to be recharged!