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Could use some positive vibes!

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Feb 3, 2015
Black Hills of South Dakota
Hey gents. I could use some positive vibes sent my way.
My wife and I had a very rough visit to her Doc last Monday. Her last ultrasound for out first kid came back with some scary news. The Doc is providing very little info, which I guess is fine since he's not a specialist in these areas. Since we are more or less rural, we don't have a specialist within 400 miles, and the soonest we get one that travels will be on the 18th, so that's a lot of time to sit and ponder worst case scenarios. To complicate matters, I leave on work business for a week on Monday. I've been doing my best to go about my normal routines, but it's getting harder and harder to keep focus. All our joy has instantly turned to fear that our first child won't be strong enough to make it home. I could cancel my travel, but she wants me to go since I'm meeting with some pretty high up the ladder types. As I get closer and prepare more for the trip I can't help the growing feeling that something will happen while I'm gone. I've been trying to keep the mindset that if the Doc feels OK with not seeing a specialist until the 18th then nothing too imminent should happen. I really don't know much about how all this works.
If you've had a similar experience please feel free to share here or via private message, going into this process blind is what really has me scared.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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Jan 2, 2015
Cibolo TX
Prayers sent for you, mom, baby, and your family. It could be a number of things however know that your BOTLs are here man if you need anything....god bless
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Good luck and positive vibes for your family. That has got to be a tough situation. I am just lucky that I have not had to go through what you are. I wish nobody had to.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
We've had somewhat risky pregnancies with four of the five babies we've had. What was the scary news?


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Prayers inbound for the lot of you. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was pregnant with our second child. The complications that came out of that were mind boggling. I have felt your anxiety (the unknown is terrifying) and only wish the best for your family.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Five babies! Man. How do you afford to smoke cigars?
I just have to be careful with the budget and smoke less often. I have a rule that my smoking can't adversely affect the family finances in any way, so I set a small but strict budget. I also sometimes sell other stuff on ebay or craigslist or amazon, so I put that money towards cigars too, if nothing else is more important at the moment. I also imposed a hard rule that I can't smoke more than three days a week, and just by nature of having a larger family life, I usually average even less, somewhere around 1-2 a week, so I'm able to smoke slightly better sticks since I smoke less often.
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Feb 3, 2015
Black Hills of South Dakota
We've had somewhat risky pregnancies with four of the five babies we've had. What was the scary news?
A part of what's making this feel so scary is that pretty much all of our questions are answered with some form of having to wait for the specialist. There are, from the Doc, some abnormal areas in and around the brain and the only real thing he mentioned was spina biffida. He only mentioned that once then kind of went back to the waiting game. There are some more "areas of concern that will need more specific ultrasound images". Again, I'm not upset with the Doc, I'm glad he's not just spouting answers to get us out of the office.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
A part of what's making this feel so scary is that pretty much all of our questions are answered with some form of having to wait for the specialist. There are, from the Doc, some abnormal areas in and around the brain and the only real thing he mentioned was spina biffida. He only mentioned that once then kind of went back to the waiting game. There are some more "areas of concern that will need more specific ultrasound images". Again, I'm not upset with the Doc, I'm glad he's not just spouting answers to get us out of the office.
Wow. That's certainly a more major concern. I don't know where you are spiritually, but I will certainly pray for you and your family.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Brother as someone who is expecting a first child also I feel for you. My thoughts, prayers, best wishes anything you may need is with you. If you just need to chat it up just shoot me a pm brother. God bless.