Well, the surgery on the heel went with only one minor hiccup. The doc said Rose started coming out of anesthesia about half way through, but they got it all taken care of. Looks like the spina bifida taking the sensation away below the lesion turned to a positive in this case, as after surgery she acted like nothing ever happened. That was about 2 weeks ago, and we're now finishing up getting ready to trek across state early tomorrow morning for her next surgery. Tomorrow is filled with appointments and surgery is Thursday. This will be to remove portions of her skull due to her shunt draining the fluid from her head a little too fast and causing issues with her skull plates. She's scheduled to get the endoscopic version, so if all goes according to plan we should be heading back home Sunday. Sadly, for me at least, Rose will be making the return trip with a protective and shaping helmet that she'll be wearing until she's about 1. That should go real well with the foot abduction braces she'll be getting in about a month

I bet we'll get all kind of dirty looks wondering what I've done to my kid!

It's all good though, the wife is wanting to decorate the helmet with flowers and butterflies, I already found one of my old "Helmet laws suck" stickers that I'll be sneaking on. The good thing is that this will be the last surgery on the schedule, as far as we know, for now! 4 surgeries in under 3 months is about all I can deal with.