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Couple of botl etiquette questions.


BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
my takes:

1) i intensely dislike regifting smokes. however, as much as i have been on here, i feel sometimes half my stash came from someone else (seriously, guys, stop it), and my regifting a smoke i have had several times before might make someone's day in a n00b trade or random bomb. respect and consideration above all else. if imma enjoy it, imma probably try really hard to keep it for myself. if i've never had, imma burn it myself for sure. also, this board is really not centered around monetary gain, and reselling sticks would , IMO, be poison.

2) give it time on sources. that is a discussion you have with people you have established trust with. if you don't trade or post a lot, it could take a while. if you network like crazy here, maybe not so much. as in everything, being respectful makes the world of difference, but don't expect the gates to open up just because you've made marketplace access, or X post count. it happens when guys get to know you, and you them. (and ladies, but i haven't seen a lot of SotL post recently)

also, this was a great conversation, and another big+1 for thinking to ask. o)
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May 26, 2013
Elizabeth City, NC USA
I hope it's ok to re-bomb as I've already done it. Whoops, seriously tho if I have already tried something that wasn't my cup o tea, or I loved and and think the brother I'm bombing would dig it....it's getting put in the box. If someone re-gifts my bomb then so be it, doesn't bother me one bit. Let's face it, we all have different tastes and sometimes a review is enough to know your not going to dig a certain stick. Seems selfish, to me, to let it sit and grow old in a humi all alone without ever having some ones mouth around it, getting warm and wet....wow that got weird...


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Sep 14, 2013
I think it depends on you a lot. I try to make it a point to smoke all the cigars I'm bombed. As someone who has recently hit a rough spot financially and sold almost all of my cigars I can tell you that what remains of my cigar collection at this very moment is 90% bombs and gifts. But. If I were to be bombed say an opus. And a brother on here was in need of it for any reason. I'd happily pass it on. Because that's what this is about. A brother may have sent that stick for me to enjoy but I think knowing that it was going to an even more deserving brother would be fine. I wouldn't ever sell anything I was bombed or gifted by anyone. That's just me. As for sources early on I asked around and got a few slaps on the hand. I haven asked about sources from anyone on the forum, not even for NCs since. I have done my own "leg work" so to speak to find sources. However I am now real life friends with quite a few botls and wouldn't hesitate to ask them for a source. If say it's best to make a friend in the know and ask them. Not only can you trust them to give you an honest opinion of the source because their a friend, but you also don't have to worry about them getting offended or pissed off like some people on the forum do. Just my .02 cents. :)


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Sep 14, 2013
I also take bombs of sticks I don't like as a chance to revisit a stick I have previously dismissed and few times have found it to be a great way to find a liking in a stick you thought you didn't like.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
I haven't been bombed yet but my newbie trade with Speedbump should be here tomorrow and I don't think I'd trade em just cause its like part of my initiation to the forum here.

The question would be do you re - gift something that's been given to you just because you don't like it? Or course not, you just store it away. Or in the cigar world, age it :p
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Jan 28, 2014
Columbus, Oh
I am new to this forum, but have many trades and gifts from other boards. I don't gift sticks gifted to me... Excepting the occasional one to the bil or father. If they are not sticks I will ever ash I will send them to OpFth so that our brothers and sisters defending our freedoms can have a moment to enjoy themselves.

I think selling them would be downright disrespectful.


WTF is a Donk?
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Sep 1, 2006
Seymour, CT
As far as regifting bombs, who would ever know? So someone bombs you with a couple of sticks you don't like, hold onto for a month then bombs away. Its the thought thqat counts you appreciated getting bombed but its not your flavor cigar so pass on the bomb, or sell it either way. They aren't little pieces of your heart they are just cigars.

As far as overseas sources, ask people you associate with the most and you'll receive reliable sources. But if you don't really know the person tread lightly, some guy on here cane be overly sensitive!


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
I do get the guit factor...Someone put some thought into a gift, and you feel like you're just giving it away.

Here's my take...If i don't like a cigar that was gifted to me, and I know that I will never smoke it, I'd rather send it off to someone who will enjoy it. If I just keep it for the sake of keeping it, then I'm just wasting it.
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Aug 27, 2013
The City of Angels
Being in the (enviable?) position of not having tried nearly the variety of smokes that are well-known to a lot of the seasoned vets here, it's a safe bet that when I get sent something extra, I can't *wait* to test it out for myself. I would never consider selling a gifted cigar from a Brother (or actually selling anything -- I'm a buyer if anything). I love the idea that longtime Brothers consider the "white whale" or "noob" status of a potential bombee when deciding what to send, and I think anything in your arsenal should be fair game, even if it came from another brother. Spreading the love is never the wrong move!

My second trade here, with topmstr, he threw in two sticks I have never had, along with the Ligas I bought from him. I've had them resting in the humi for a week, and as soon as I think they're ready, they're getting burned. Love this place.


BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
... I love the idea that longtime Brothers consider the "white whale" or "noob" status of a potential bombee when deciding what to send, and I think anything in your arsenal should be fair game, even if it came from another brother. Spreading the love is never the wrong move! ...
just to address this bit: realize we are talking about stuff that does cost a bit of cash, not to mention the HTF aspect of some. I have seen sick shit tossed at NFGs (sometimes by myself, yes), but if it is a guy you have dealt with here for years, multiple times, maybe they have helped you find something you couldn't elsewise, you go bigger. don't think of it as a new dude versus old dude, so much as long-time friends versus new acquaintances. it is all fair game, all the time, but you always save something for a special occasion, right?

once again, just me. but i am sure i am not alone in this.
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Oct 18, 2013
New Jersey
... I love the idea that longtime Brothers consider the "white whale" or "noob" status of a potential bombee when deciding what to send, and I think anything in your arsenal should be fair game, even if it came from another brother. Spreading the love is never the wrong move! ...
just to address this bit: realize we are talking about stuff that does cost a bit of cash, not to mention the HTF aspect of some. I have seen sick shit tossed at NFGs (sometimes by myself, yes), but if it is a guy you have dealt with here for years, multiple times, maybe they have helped you find something you couldn't elsewise, you go bigger. don't think of it as a new dude versus old dude, so much as long-time friends versus new acquaintances. it is all fair game, all the time, but you always save something for a special occasion, right?

once again, just me. but i am sure i am not alone in this.
You're definitely not alone.
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May 26, 2013
Elizabeth City, NC USA
I always just figured that re-gifting a stick that I've had before and liked was a sort of PIF in its own right. Maybe some brothers don't see it that way and I can see they're point of view and respect it. I also see the point in kinda getting to know someone before you bomb them all your HTF or sticks you think they'll enjoy.

On a different note but same idea, I ALWAYS post up when somebody bombs me. With the exception on trades and buys, which are behind the scenes. Even like the non newb blind trades that state to post up but then fellas disappear. Kinda dis-heartening to never find out whether your sticks were appreciated. Sorry for thread jacking.


Master of Mayhem * BoM 1/14
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Mar 17, 2013
I would rather someone else who wants to try it or will smoke it have something I've tried and didnt like more than just letting it age out cause I wont smoke it. And WE ALL get sticks like that and if nobody mentions wanting to try them I'll donate them to the troops. BUT WILL NEVER SELL!!!!
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Nov 1, 2013
Anything I buy or receive will be shared with a close friend I enjoy cigars with. I'm giving it to him for free with no requirement other than to smoke it. If it was given, it was done so with the assumption one would smoke it correct? Someone did, and nothing of mine is off limits to that friend. I try to assure we have two of that cigar so we can have it together though, so I may have the gifted one and buy him one or if both were gifted, then he gets the other. The goal of gifting is to give someone something because you wanted to for one reason or another. Cost and intrinsic value is immaterial to the experience itself. What happens after is in their hands and out of yours. That being said.. I would prefer someone not sell what in give and that they try what I give save had they already, but I still put effort into the thought behind it.

While I may or may not have any sources perse, I haven't had any Cubans just like I haven't had any super premiums. I'd like to sure, to share with my friend and enjoy together, but that isn't something I could afford at the moment in college, but I can tell you that with some looking you will likely find them yourself on the internet, and if you're diligent, identify which are legitimate or not. That being said, some people are worried about overusage that may impair their buying ability from said places. I'm not sure if the government is the worry by many here or not though. They already know them though most likely. I do know someone that has been here for years and never learned any sources, so I'd say you have to ask at least?
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May 21, 2013
New Hampshire
I could care less if someone rebombs my cigars. Honestly the people I bomb got the bomb for a reason once it's in their possession they can do what ever they want with them. Could care less. Now when someone bombs me those sticks stays with me. Mostly because they are awesome sticks and I haven't tried them before or just because but I keep them.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
I waited a year before I asked a brother here for a confirmation I already knew to be good. I'd expect anyone else the same. And a year with out participation doesn't count.
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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
Here's my take...If i don't like a cigar that was gifted to me, and I know that I will never smoke it, I'd rather send it off to someone who will enjoy it. If I just keep it for the sake of keeping it, then I'm just wasting it.
Nailed it. If it is something not in your wheel house why waste it and your space because you may feel guilty about passing it on. If there is someone who will enjoy it, or may have not tried it then by all means pass it along.

We all have different tastes and that is one of the great things about this community, diversity over one main enjoyable platform.

If someone regifts my bombed stick, no harm to me. My intent was to hopefully make someone's day a bit brighter when they came home.
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Jan 13, 2014
Statesville, North Carolina. United States.
If it turns out the cigar you got from a brother wasn't one to your liking, why not state it? At least this way the chance of you getting that stick again down the road won't be so high. On the flip side. You give someone something. A gift as it's been called. Now that it belongs to that person, to me if I give anything out they can do whatever they want with it. I would hope they wouldn't sell it for profit. Some of this stuff isn't cheap and it's just shitty behavior to sell a gift for cash.

Smoke it. Don't like it, let me know or whomever you are trading with. What's the harm in it. You tried. Like it's been said. Can't just leave it in the humi to waste. That's as bad as turning around and selling it.

However I think if you get a cigar from someone as a gift, weather you smoke it, or bomb it to another is up to you. It's yours now.

That's just me though...


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Sep 7, 2013
First and foremost I commend you on inquiring about these subjects in a mature manner. Here is my opinion

-I wont regift sticks that were bombed to me. If I purchased sticks from a BOTL I might bomb them out if I have already had them. Any bombs that hit me though I would not feel right bombing out. I really get a great feeling when people send me things from their hearts. I was recently gifted a very HTF stick from a BOTL cause he saw that I had not had one. I had recieved the same stick from a MAW pass that I did as well a couple days before. I wont gift out anything that came from any other BOTL that I didnt pay for. I feel that if they put thought into me appreciating it then that is what I should do.

-As far as asking for sources, I look at this like any other "illegal" source information. I will ask, when/if the time ever comes that I want those sticks bad enough, a member that I have become friends with and grown a bond with. I have no true need at the moment for those types of sources so my answer may not be correct. You dont just go up to a random person you just met and ask them who their weed, coke, moonshine, etc connection is haha.