2005 BoY
That is awesome Steve! Congrats!Tomorrow (the 18th) I turn 42 year old. But that is not why I am so happy today. 7 years ago I signed my then 4 year old daughter for the federal 529 prepaid college trust. Basically I agreed over a 7 year period to prepay today's rate for her college that will start in 2016. The plan I could afford and chose will cover 2 years of community college and 2 years of university tuition through any in-state run school. Tomorrow I will be making that final payment.
Never in my life have I spent so much money for someone else and gotten such a gratifying feeling from it I can not put it in words. I never got a chance to start college since I turned to drugs and my parents did not guild me during the times I was struggling. If anyone else is thinking of schooling for their child, the 529 plan offers many ways to accomplish that goal. Now I have to wait another 7 years until she is out of grade school. I know there will be many trying times as our daughter grows up. Knowing she has a better chance to advance in life is one less thing we have to think about. I will be sleeping well tonight.