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Do you regard smoking as a blue collar thing?


June '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
If somebody does not like the fact that I smoke cigars, well then they can get over it.. I am sorry, I am not going to change something that I love to do because some random bitch (as the case in the story above) does not like it.. and yea i smoke cigarettes sometimes too, and yea i would quit that..

I enjoy meeting people with the same passion as me..

I mean hell, Rich and I got together for a smoke or 8 a few years ago and we could not have been farther apart in the life department...

I mean he is older than me and needs a damn school bus to drive the herd of kids he has around, and at the time I was a sophmore in college.. and it was a great time..

I think that, (and not anybody in particular but the world) people should stop trying to please everybody else and just do something that makes them happy..