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Does my Mailman Hate Me?


BoM Feb 14
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Feb 11, 2013
Olmsted Township, OH
you sure your alter ego didn't rush out of the house. snatch it out of the mailman's hands and then proceed to slam the door in his face. Light up all the cigars and smoke them all at once... or maybe i just have a vivid imagination.
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May 15, 2013
Dude, on the real USPS tracking is a joke. They don't even scan the thing at each step of the journey 90% of the time. Most often my deliveries go from electronic information received directly to out for delivery. Even then "Out for delivery" is more like a guideline than a fact.
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
I was expecting a package today and the USPS DC# says it was delivered yet it is nowhere to be found. I was home at the time it says it was delivered, too. :scratchhe
Did you recheck your box at the end of the day, some carriers get lazy and scan all the packages delivered first thing so they don't worry about it on the route.

Dude, on the real USPS tracking is a joke. They don't even scan the thing at each step of the journey 90% of the time. Most often my deliveries go from electronic information received directly to out for delivery. Even then "Out for delivery" is more like a guideline than a fact.
you speak the truth, it is Delivery Confirmation they just changed the name cause people always want "tracking." you only get real tracking with express or registered but that cost ya a pretty penny.