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Does the price of a smoke affect your enjoyment?


Crossbones 2011
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Nov 21, 2010
Arlington, VA
Price for me doesn't effect how much I enjoyed or hated a cigar, but it does effect if I will be buying it again after that first one.


Agreed! I tend not to think about the price until I have to decide "was it worth it"? At that point I care. I have often found my self saying I liked a cigar and enjoyed it, but not at that price point.

I like to take each cigar as it is and not let the price factor in until I am finished. I am always amazed at how these handcrafted beauties make it all the way from the farm to my house.
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Jul 12, 2010
Agreed! I tend not to think about the price until I have to decide "was it worth it"? At that point I care. I have often found my self saying I liked a cigar and enjoyed it, but not at that price point.

I like to take each cigar as it is and not let the price factor in until I am finished. I am always amazed at how these handcrafted beauties make it all the way from the farm to my house.
Agree. Price point comes into play after I"m done smoking a stick. Since I let everything rest pretty much for at least a couple of weeks minimally, I often forget what I pay for em anyway until I go to try and pick up more lol.

I attempt to try anything new that brands I like put out but have my rotation of 4 or 5 sticks that I always smoke and go to my outside the rotation smokes for a change of pace.

Availability also affects how regular a smoke becomes for me. So on top of the "was it worth it" question, there is also the "will I be able to get these without effort" question. That being said, if I like a smoke and its rotation worthy, I"ll buy enough so that it can be fairly regularly smoked if there is chance of it becoming unavailable. G1


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Oh absolutely, price affects my enjoyment.

First, I actually have a hard time enjoying a cigar that cost me more than $10. I'm on a really tight budget this year, and so I'm conscious of every dollar spent. That makes a $20 experience a very infrequent occasion, and so I often go into the experience nervous about whether it's going to be worth it.

Second, if I'm giving up a fiver of cigars (like 601 blue or La Riquiza) for the opportunity to smoke one premium cigar, I'm expecting to be blown away! The price point heightens my expectations exponentially. And often, that just doesn't happen with more expensive cigars.

That being said, I've had a few cigars that were absolutely worth it.
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Jan 5, 2012
Macungie, Pa
Price doesn't really affect my enjoyment of the cigar as long as it is good. My expectations may be a higher for an expensive cigar though. I've really enjoyed some cigars that you can find for under $2 bucks a piece.
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Feb 2, 2011
I try some different cigars here and there but I've found a nice middle range that I am comfortable with. I can regularly get 601 Blues, 601 Greens, Cubaos, DPG Cuban Classics, DPG Blue, Tatuaje Reds, Padrons for $3-$4 and I am just fine with that. I think they are worth more than that to me. I'm just absolutely thrilled to be able to afford to smoke cigars like those every day. Now, a "splurge" for me would be Epernays for $6-$8 or a couple of Anejos I bought at my local B&M recently for $13 (impulse buy!). I read a LOT of reviews online and I make sure that I am LIKELY to enjoy a cigar before buying it. It doesn't work out every time but most of the time it does.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Being a certified tightwad myself, I would have to agree with you.

I find that if I pay more for a cigar my expectations are higher. I have no problem spending the money for a $10-$15 stick but if it does not live up to my expectations then I feel like I wasted my money. This will cerainly affect my enjoyment negatively.

On the other hand if it meets or exceeds my expectations then it is by definition a bargain and will affect my enjoyment positively.:smile:

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Mar 19, 2012

You can spend some time looking thru old threads that have spent a lot time on cheap GOOD SMOKES. I have many I enjoy that are cheap (under$5) and some I have not cared for over $30.....

So I can only say just try as many as you can and try to forget about price(I know it is always a factor). I say go but a bunch one day from cheap to expensive, buy blank bands and take the original bands off(making a list that you can refer to later). Try them a week or two later and see which ones you really like and don't like then see how much you paid for the ones you really like and see if your own thery works.

Like I love to say, smoke what you like and like what you smoke.

I really like the idea of re-banding, though I am going to have to pick up a bunch more and more that look similar.. I have fondled my current ones so much at this point that I'd be able to pick them out from a good distance. :frownno:

Agree. Price point comes into play after I"m done smoking a stick. Since I let everything rest pretty much for at least a couple of weeks minimally, I often forget what I pay for em anyway until I go to try and pick up more lol.

I attempt to try anything new that brands I like put out but have my rotation of 4 or 5 sticks that I always smoke and go to my outside the rotation smokes for a change of pace.

Availability also affects how regular a smoke becomes for me. So on top of the "was it worth it" question, there is also the "will I be able to get these without effort" question. That being said, if I like a smoke and its rotation worthy, I"ll buy enough so that it can be fairly regularly smoked if there is chance of it becoming unavailable. G1
I would like to at least get to this point. I thought maybe it was smoking alone was giving me too much free thought time to obsess over the price. I have noticed even when smoking with someone I'll still comment "this isn't bad for $x.xx", or "this is good and all but not sure about $x.xx."

I'm a somewhat infrequent smoker at this point (maybe 2/week) but that has gone up and will probably continue to go up as I find new ones. I would like to have a good mix of "daily" type smokes as well as some decent "special occasion" smokes - though "special occasion" for me would be more of a "smoking with someone else who appreciates cigars" occasion.

Thanks for everyone's input as I continue wading my way through all this..
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Dec 27, 2010
Greenfield, CA
I love it when I smoke a stick and find myself thinking I'd pay double for a cigar that tasty! Also if I smoke something and enjoy it but I feel it's a bit overpriced I'll pick it up when it's at or below what I think it's worth.


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
This is why I enjoy the blind reviews. I do believe the mind trick of price does enhance the smoking experience as this hobby is not cheep to begin with. I sometimes think if I didn't see a band on it or know what I'm smoking, regardless of the cost, I may have a different outlook on the product.
This being said there is no excuse for poor quality tobacco in my opinion as the cost of the stick goes up.