My wife supports my cigar habit to a pretty good extent. :togetherl :thumbsup: She went through a period where she smoked them too. :yes: She's bought me cigars (and does a pretty good job too) in the past. She bought me a very nice looking custom made desk humidor a couple of years ago and she bought me a few months of CI Cigar Club for Christmas this year. :thumbsup:
I do get some ribbing about being a member of "Brothers of the Leaf" and spending as much time as I do on the computer. :headroll: I'm sure some of this is because I was a "Coffee geek" last year and I think she's pretty sure I've LMFM! :rofl: Especially after she got a look at my Coolerdor and found out how many cigars I have in it. Honey, this is nothing! Some of the Brothers have over a thousand! doesnt get me much of a break.

But she actually wants me to build a smoke room in our unfinished basement. Her only real concern is that it is bad for my health. :sadcry:
It helps that we are DINKs.