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Dog Training Issues


The Chosen One
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Oct 22, 2014
Akron, Ohio

This is Harry, he is a 1.5yr old Shih Tzu. Harry cannot refrain from pooping in his cage almost every single day (even if only left in there for 2 hours for a grocery run and is put out to go potty). We've used cage dividers when they were little pups to help this acclimate to being crate trained, but Harry never caught on, but his fraternal brother Murphy did and doesn't poop his cage unless he really has to. Sometimes Harry will just sit outside and not go potty even when trying to reinforce with a treat after he goes potty.

Do you fellows have any suggestions? I am at my last straw and am tired of coming home to the filthy smell and its causes me much stress as it is VERY frustrating and brings out the worst of moods...


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Do you only use the cage for when you're gone and/or for punishment? If so, there's your issue.

The cage causes negative reactions from him, and in this case, his expression of those negative emotions is to poop.


The Chosen One
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Oct 22, 2014
Akron, Ohio
We've tried keeping him with us in bed, but he pee'd in the bed once and the other time he pee'd on the floor. Not sure whats going on there. So back to the crate he went.
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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
We've got two dogs, both crate trained, a lot of issues with pets imho come down to attention, not enough exercise, we walk twice a day 15-20 minutes after eating for about 10-15 min just around the block
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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
Ours are crated when we leave during the day but with much larger crates, doggie beds, the pug is still a puppy and gets crated at night when we're in bed, ours will run to there crates and climb in as they always get a treat for "get in your crate" and are never punished with crate time, the pug was litter trained and has a litter pan but now holds it 8+ hours while we're at work

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
I think he's mad because you don't share any of the cigars You always sell with him. Lol.

In all seriousness, the cage has become something he hates. He knows that he will get even more attention if he takes cares of business in there. Yiu might have to spend sown money and get a real trainer in there to help with the problem, or the only two other alternatives is Yiu get rid of him or tolerate the behavior. Good luck, I'll be praying for peace and understanding for You.
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Mar 17, 2015
Like discussed above, you have to teach him that the crate is a positive place. Walk him into it, and reinforce the behavior with a treat while you tell him good boy, etc. Let him sit there for 5-10 minutes, take him out and do it again. Do that several times a day. One other thing I did notice, it looks like his crate is right near a glass door, correct? He could be seeing an animal outside that scares him, so he poops. It's hard to say for sure.


The Chosen One
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Oct 22, 2014
Akron, Ohio
He isn't by a glass door normally , he's just chilln outside on the porch until I could take care of the mess and get the stink out of the cage. He is typically in the kitchen dinette.
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Jun 1, 2013
Having problems with my pup too, 9 month old lab pit mix.. first chewed up brand new furniture, now chewed up my floor (just linoleum but literally only been in there not even 2 months).

And he would do it in the morning after gf went to work and I was still sleeping lol got a crate from a friend last night and he passed all over the kitchen and his bed (gate him into kitchen) as I was setting it up, then he sat in the corner scared lol have to crate train now maybe but His balls are being snipped today to calm him down so well see how he is after that

Good luck with the dog, they are so great and agitating at times too


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
My wife and I are dog rescue people and we've seen a lot of different behaviors in our 4 legged children. A dog who poops in his crate tells us that they are not comfortable in them....so we are to figure out why. Dogs who spend a lot of time in their crates tend to do this...when you're at work he's in the cage and that can amount to him/her getting frustrated. Dogs are not intended to be caged all day or more than 4 hours during the day because that is their waking hours for fun and frolic. You might want to invest in getting a dog walker for a half hour a day...they are about $15 to $20 a session as that would break up their time. Another idea is to train him during the time you're home with them.....leave treats in his cage and keep the cage open....this will reinforce to them that the cage is not a "bad thing"....he will think of it as his home esp. when you leave those treats in there and the cage open. Dogs need positive reinforcement and routine....if they don't get this then they become their own masters and do whatever they want to do. They love to please their Masters...us....so stick to the routine and don't break it. Just a thought here....for those who leave their dogs in a cage most of the day they will exhibit some negative behaviors because like human beings....they need contact and positive reinforcement and crates/cages would drive most humans crazy. Crates are to be a safe zone where they can go to sleep...not to spend waking hours in them. JMHO with 10 years experience with Rescues and 50 years of owning dogs.


The Chosen One
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Oct 22, 2014
Akron, Ohio
Another thing I found interesting was when my wife takes them to her mothers over the weekend and crates them in a huge cage they had for their husky, they don't poop in it at all. It's all so confusing.
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Dec 31, 2013
Hughesville, MD. USA
Sounds like a job for Ceasar....the Dog Whisperer.
All kidding asside, it sounds like you are frustrated and you know your pup senses that also. You might want to look into a trainer with this type of experience.
We crate train all our dogs. They love their crates and look to them for comfort when scared or even if they're just tired they will put themselves to bed. When my wife and I worked out of the house it wouldn't be unheard of for them to be in there for up to 8/9 hours. Of coures there have been issues but not many. it's no different than we going to bed for the evening for 8/9 hours....
Good luck, brother. This does not sound like an easy fix.
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Dec 31, 2013
Hughesville, MD. USA
Another thing I found interesting was when my wife takes them to her mothers over the weekend and crates them in a huge cage they had for their husky, they don't poop in it at all. It's all so confusing.
Well, that might be the issue. Why not try a larger crate and see what happens. Maybe it IS that simple a fix.