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Dog Training Issues


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Maybe I'll just leave them out of crate and see what happens
I'll try again here because I love dogs.....owners need to understand that if you're going to own a dog then you become a responsible owner for that pet...it's something akin to having children and training them as well. Unless you dedicate yourself to training them with good behaviors then you can't blame them if they develop bad ones. When the little teeny bopper girls would buy chihuahuas to carry in their purses it would make me so mad....they bought them and when they tired of them they'd either drop them off or just plain give em away and I wonder wtf the parents were doing about this....most of them were just like their little 'snowflake' children that didn't want to have the responsibility anymore so we all see these dogs running the streets with no tags or chips. Plus the fact that your dogs need to be neutered so they aren't impregnating every other dog and thus continue the problems. Spaying your pets also helps in their overall behavior as well...nothing spells disaster like a dog with a perennial hard-on looking to stick it into anything they can find on the streets.

PLease take the time necessary to train and stay with the plan so your dog and your family can have the best relationship possible.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
We have two dogs and both are rescues. We got Baileys first and she was our only dog. Never crated her amd didn't worry about it. She sleeps gated in the laundry room on her pillow every night. Never had an issue aside from digging by the neighbors fence trying to play with their dog.
9 months later we got JD, a hound/rott mix. We decided to treat him just as we did Baileys but we would come home after 2-3 hrs to find stuff trashed. Books taken off a shelf and torne to pieces and displayed in front of the door as if to say they were not happy we left.
Our strategy was to get a crate for JD. He had a few accidents in it for the first few weeks but was always rewarded when he went in. Now I do not even have to say a word. I grab a treat and he opens the crate and goes in and waits. It is meant for a large dog and he is medium sized so he has room to move. We always include a bone or toy to occupy him. Nothing has been tore up since.
What I am trying to say is that maybe the dog just needs some more space and structure. As it was stated before, dogs love to please us. If you get him used to the crate and show that its a good thing for both of you he should be fine. Also maybe a step up in crate size.

Cigarth Vader

Official Jedi of BOTL.org
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Sep 16, 2014
Southern California
I'll try again here because I love dogs.....owners need to understand that if you're going to own a dog then you become a responsible owner for that pet...it's something akin to having children and training them as well. Unless you dedicate yourself to training them with good behaviors then you can't blame them if they develop bad ones. When the little teeny bopper girls would buy chihuahuas to carry in their purses it would make me so mad....they bought them and when they tired of them they'd either drop them off or just plain give em away and I wonder wtf the parents were doing about this....most of them were just like their little 'snowflake' children that didn't want to have the responsibility anymore so we all see these dogs running the streets with no tags or chips. Plus the fact that your dogs need to be neutered so they aren't impregnating every other dog and thus continue the problems. Spaying your pets also helps in their overall behavior as well...nothing spells disaster like a dog with a perennial hard-on looking to stick it into anything they can find on the streets.

PLease take the time necessary to train and stay with the plan so your dog and your family can have the best relationship possible.

So. Much. This.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Sounds like he needs to be fed and walked until he shits before you leave each and every day. Get rid of the poop and it wont come out in the cage. It also gives him the exercise needed and puts his mind to rest. My shorkie is high strung but after a long walk and food hes in bed relaxing like a normal dog. Get into the habit bro and things will get better.....
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
That is tough but I had an issue with my min pin. He was destroying his cage but couldn't be left out cause he would destroy the house. So we changed over for more positive reinforcement purchase a kong the round rubber dog toy fill with peanut butter do it good so it will be hours of his fighting with it. That should keep him busy. My dog now knows Kong time is cage time and he is happy with it. I give him it while he waits in the cage and pet him tell him he is a good boy that helps him be at ease. Also now anytime I give him a treat he goes directly inside cause the cage has turned into his safe place. The dog needs to accept the cage if that doesn't happen chaos will always ensue. Hope that helps.


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Mar 5, 2015
Richmond, Virginia
You may want to consider trying a smaller plastic crate that more "closed in." All dogs have a "den" instinct and the open wire cages don't do a good job (imo) of getting the dog into the mind set that the crate is home within your home. The crate should also be just big enough for the dog to stand up and turn around. If there is extra space, the dog will tend to use to for elimination.

Our dogs will frequently go into their crates when they are tired and want to rest. It's there safe space.

There's plenty of other good advice here and it may be a combination of factors. Hope you get her trained soon.

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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
Is he much of a climber/jumper, we used a puppy pen with a door and attached a small crate to the door for the "den" effect...... Worked well until the pug decided that she could jump/climb out of the 30 inch pen, I'll have to look for a pic we bought the pen on Amazon


The Chosen One
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Oct 22, 2014
Akron, Ohio
I don't think he could make the jump on a 2 ft gate we put up. We basically sectioned off the dinnete from the kitchen with a dog gate so they have a lil 15x15ft section to roam in with their crates open if they wana chill. Will see what happens.