Gurkhaha "too much shit to read on the band ill just call it the 13"
So. I bit the bullet yet again for you fine gentlemen... ladies???... This bad boy has been sitting at the bottom of my tupperdor for about 3 years, paired with a fine glass... make that several, of Makers Mark and a brand new Dell XPS 13 I'm still figuring out.
Pre Lightttt. Smells like a cigarette. Tobacco, maybe a hint of hay and or barnyard but id be lying honestly. pig tail was pathetic looking my kids could have done better, you can kind of see it on the first pic. yeah, thats the pig tail.....feels like a piece of paper and is not firm at all, like a loose blunt from uncle Rico. construction seems on point surprisingly other than that. smooth visible seams, no tooth, light sheen on wrapper.
First 3rrrd.... should have lit it from the other end, cigar canoed horribly but I smoked through it and it fixed itself miraculously about an inch down. Smoke is ok, flavor is tobacco, just a suttle white pepper in the back but mostly just tobacco cigarette taste.
2nd 3rrrd. I soon had to take the band off which became almost an emergency, they had to have super glued this bastard, I had to tear it off to get it off without ripping a hole in the wrapper. OK... something has changed. have you ever put a piece of aluminum foil in your mouth, maybe bit some off by mistake? well, it has that taste. getting more barnyard and leather, little white pepper still. But this aluminum foil thing has me puzzled. I'm having to stop and take a puff every 15 seconds or so to keep it going unfortunately because id rather not..... , I would say its the humidity, but its absolutely perfect today but its running again but slowly fixing itself "pic"
3rd 3rrrd. Honestly, the only thing that tastes right now is my whiskey. I think the cigar is helping the whiskey notes! There has to be a piece of aluminum in this thing, Id like to cut it open and see ive never tasted anything like it.
Thumped the ash, primed and blew it hot. several short draws and a retro hale to get the thing going and a long chrome sucking swag of the jaws the ladies know me for aaaand BOOM! more of the same shit. it is catching more pepper, leather is receding, noticing the aluminum more on the wrapper, whiskey is prime time baby. Crack in the wrapper that will continue guaranteed. Aluminum taste is more up front now, getting more grassy, ammonia like flavors coming in, leather is picking up, white pepper has turned into cayenne especially on the retro. Wow a flock of bluejays just flew in my yard i got distracted.
I ended this nightmare at about the 2.5 " mark. Gurkha is the most famous brand in the world "the band says", you can guarantee its not from being the "best" brand in the world. I can sell the most cow shit on the planet and it would be the most shit sold worldwide but who's to say its better than anyone else.
Thanks for reading. Its all for fun, but was an honest review. By the way, I've never had a glass of whiskey so sweet. The cigar changed my whiskey, that was a new experience if that helps at all....
PS: if someone could give me pointers how to make pictures into slides that would be cool. Thanks.