Another vote for USB interface or docking station. Inexpensive ones on Amazon. Pull the old drive out, connect it to your new computer using the USB interface and transfer your files. When done, format the old drive and use as a backup.
Clint. How much space do you need? I have a couple 150 or so gig USB drives sitting around. If that's big enough for you send your addy I'll send one to you. No strings attached.So apparently Windows no longer supports XP on my rather ancient PC, LOL!
This means no iTunes, which is really all we use that machine for anyway, so I have procured a pretty new Dell set up from my brother in law.(PC tower deal)
So now I need to get all the files (mostly pictures and music) from the old PC to the new Dell, and I am assuming that an external hard drive is the easiest, most cost efficient way to get her done. (Via USB)
I would kinda rather not buy the external hard drive and then return it an hour later, so I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a good brand and/or model that would get this done and maybe I'll just keep the hard drive....Store some pics on it or something (?).
(I know there are a lot of you who may suggest a laptop or another method here, but I'd really like to stick to the external USB hard drive strategy since I already have the new Dell ready to go...)
Thanks for any suggestions!
ok, I have to put my two cents in on this subject. I am an IT geek. all of these ideas are good. what you have to do is to figure out for your self if you just want to move the files or move the files and have a back up. If you just want to move the files a usb stick will work well. might be slow but it will get the job done. If you want to move the files and back up the external drive is the way to go. Now that brings up the idea of having more than one backup. You should always have at least two backups. I backup to mutible devices. I have three external 3TB drives and I use cabinite to backup on line. I use robo copy to keep data synced between the external drives. Cabinite backs up any new or changed files in folders that I have told it to backup. All of this is worth the effort to me. I have seen to many external drives die just when I needed to pull data off the drive. It is also a good idea to keep the drives in different places. IE one at home and one at work. just swap them out on a weekly or monthly bases. I backup a nearly 2tb of data. the advantage is once i have a full backup i only backup the changed or new files. I believe your best bet would be to have the external drive use it to move the files and keep it as a local usb backup and then subscribe to an online backup site.