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Father In Law Passed Away Yesterday

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Feb 7, 2015
Mechanicsburg, PA
Tuesday morning at approximately 11:10 am my father-in-law Skip passed away with family at his side. Skip was a master carpenter and father of 2 daughters. Skip had 2 surgeries for throat cancer, the most recent being on July 22nd. He had advanced dimentia which went in turbo mode after surgery. He went to a nursing home 2 weeks after surgery. His dimentia was hell on my wife.

Some days Skip would know who she was, other days he could not recognize her. He lost his ability to speak after his most recent surgery. His dimentia continued to worsen....he pulled out feeding tubes, IVs, etc. Dimentia had a hold and was not going to relent. We live 2 1/2 hours way from Skip and my wife made the trip to be with him almost every other day so he was not alone much. His other daughter lives in Florida so my wife went through hell but she wanted to do everything possible to help her Dad.

This past Monday while at work, my wife got a call that Skip was in the ER. She immediately made the trip back to be with her Dad. He was moved to ICU with pneumonia, sepsis and renal failure. I made the trip up Monday afternoon. Skip was unresponsive at this point, his time on earth drawing to a close. Monday evening and overnight my wife and I were by his side. ICU only allowed 1 person in his room overnight so my wife and I did 30 minute shifts to make sure he was not alone.

Tuesday morning at 5 am, Kim called her sister in Florida and they decided to allow Skip to pass and remove the life continuing measures he was receiving. The BP meds and ventilator were the only thing keeping him alive. I held my cell phone up to Skips ear so his daughter in Florida could say goodbye to her Dad. At this point in addition to all of Skips issues, he developed internal hemorages and also his urine was just blood and blood was coming out of his feeding tube. With us holding his hands and rubbing his arms, Skip took his last breath around 11:10 am Tuesday morning.

Please send prayers to my wife Kim and her family for strength as they will bury their father Saturday morning.


Ruler of Grayskull
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Feb 15, 2015
Buffalo NY
Tim, sorry to hear about your loss, brother. My grand father went through Alzheimer's, so I know what it's like. At least he went at peace with family, we can all only hope for so much when that day comes.
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Apr 26, 2015
I am so sad to hear this news. I can't imagine how hard this must have been on your family. Thoughts and prayers heading your way.
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Sep 13, 2014
My wife and I send our condolences to you and your family. You'll all be in our prayers. Try to get a little rest and steal little moments of peace wherever you find them my friend.