I don't think that most cigar smokers understand what is about to happen if we don't all stand up immediately and make a stand to let Congress know that premium cigars should not be lumped in with swisher sweets, black and milds, e cigs, cigarettes and all of the other fluffed up over processed chemical rich candies of the nicotine world. The whole landscape of even being able to go into a brick and mortar cigar shop will change permanently and a lot will just go out of buisiness. I don't know what the next step is to raise awareness and get more people to understand and get off of their butt to do something, but whatever it is it has to happen now. If you have any ideas please speak your mind. I don't want to be jobless in a year.
I know we have th CRA and other organizations working for us. What I want to focus on Is getting the word out to more individuals and what we all can do on a personal level and as the BOTL community.
I know we have th CRA and other organizations working for us. What I want to focus on Is getting the word out to more individuals and what we all can do on a personal level and as the BOTL community.