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FDA Regulations and what's the next step?

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Jul 28, 2015
anderson indiana
It would be legal as long as you pay attention to timed parking and technically if someone is in the drivers seat with the engine running the car is not parked. It's always better to try the easy way first and get permission
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Mar 27, 2016
It would be legal as long as you pay attention to timed parking and technically if someone is in the drivers seat with the engine running the car is not parked. It's always better to try the easy way first and get permission
Hmmmmm... good note... I did not know that... mind cogs spinning...
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Mar 27, 2016
That's a super cool setup. (y)

But I don't think attempting to educate the public is going to have any real impact, or success. Cigar lovers are a small percentage of the population; for every one of us, there's at least 1 Smoke Nazi out there who doesn't care about your freedoms as much as they care about feeling superior to you in some way, and will support anti-smoking laws and regulations like this because it makes them feel better. (And no, I'm not convinced that any of them do it "for the children" or because they care about public health...) I think it's more effective for a bunch of us to stand up and say to our congress critters "hey, I'm affected by this, and I vote." They need to hear more noise from us than from the other side.

Just my .02
Thank you ~xox

No... not educating the public... legislature... no it's not about "the children" WE LEGALIZED WEED and in turn advancing towards CRIMINALIZING CIGARS... ALL TOBACCO. How is this sane? Will I go to jail for hand rolling at some point? I will not stop... so what will that result in for me? The education piece is about educating the policy makers about the differences between fine cigars and weeds. It's madness to me.
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Aug 5, 2015
Cincinnati, OH USA
Well I have gotten about 200 signatures at the shop. If everyone in every city did this we could actually do this. It's pretty pathetic that we only have 8000 signatures when The E Cigarettes petition already has around 70,000. Come on people! Motivate! Get out there and make sure the thing that we love isn't ripped out from under us! We can make decisions for ourselves!