Got a call in the afternoon from the S/O that the garage door wasn't working - wouldn't go up or down. This is a two-car wooden door that's pretty heavy to lift, even with the springs helping out. It's a pretty old set-up, and I've had to repair it numerous times (wheels/rollers going bad, wood cracking, etc.). Needless to say, I figured my evening was booked. Took off early, got home, changed, went to the garage, hit the button - nothing. Wall switch not lit up, apparently not getting any power. Connections to the overhead unit look good. Turns out, the "lock" button on the wall switch had been pushed over just enough to do its job. Slide button - bingo. Don't you just love it when those home repairs only take two minutes? What would she do without me? I know what - she'd have called a garage door service and probably would have been replacing the tracks, rollers, etc.