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February "What Did You Do Today" Contest-WINNER!!!


2005 BoY
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196   0   0
Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
Today I used one of those snot-sucking-thingys to suck a boat load of snot out of my 15 month old daughters nose. :smt078

Have you ever noticed that vomit comes out of that smiley's nose as well as his mouth?
Rating - 100%
57   0   0
Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
Woke up at 5:45 and got my elderly Dad changed, started coffee, fed the cat and gave him an insulin shot, let the dog out to pee, got the morning laundry ready, took out the trash, got the birds food and water ready, straightened up the kitchen, got Dad's coffee and medecine ready and got him situated in his recliner with his blanket........then, finally, settled down with my first cup of java and checked the new posts on BOTL.


Rating - 90%
20   2   1
Dec 24, 2004
u s and a
I was in a particularly crappy mood after my university got the shaft from a couple of blue chippers on this "signing day". so I decided to some something productive to quickly lift my spirits.

I'm a food snob. I gotta have my jersey cow milk. a new born bear cub might consume a tad more lactose than I do. consequently my dairy binges leave me with enough glass bottles to make the kitchen look like a recycling plant. the pseudo-environmentalist in me finds other uses for them instead of chucking them in the garbage. one of my favorite applications is to turn them into change jars. there are everywhere.

this afternoon I took one of my jugs full of change and dumped it out on my desk. I was in one of my minimalist moods and decided that these coins were somehow weighing me down. quarters I need. quarters mean soft drinks and peep shows, but the silver and the copper, who needs 'em?

I usually take them to the grocery store and empty a ziploc bag into the coinstar machine. but the processing fee they assess eventually adds up. being one to always buck the system I had to find a away. the solution is quite clever I might add.

so I fished out all the dimes and nickels and put them in this old crown royal velveteen bag. I put all my pennies in this paper sack and I headed out. I went to the post office and pretended to purchase stamps from the vending machine. I glanced at the selection, ran my finger across the glass and tried to look like a normal customer. I started feeding my dimes and nickels into the coin slot. dink. dink. dink. dink. I put in more coins and watched the digital read out go well over $20.00. I kept on. dink. dink. dink. when my handful was done I stopped and pressed the 'return change' button.

ka-chink! ka-chink! ka-chink! ka-chink! ka-chink! ka-chink!

I don't know what came over me but as the golden dollar coins came spilling out and over-flowed onto the floor I screamed, 'oh my god! I won! I won! I WON!'. and, I got down on my hands and knees and started scooping up all my shillings and then I ran out of the locale in an excited rush.

so I get back and I tell my friend about it, and he replies with the following: "but you still have a bunch of coins". true, but at least I don't have to put my pennies in a dirty sock to go through the mcdonald's drive-thru. now I can go to a pub with my velveteen bag tied around my waist and shout orders to the waitress "wench! I'll have the finest pitcher of ale in the house". and I can pay her in a stack of neat coins. this is what I'll do later this evening.

so that was pretty much what I did today. the end.
Rating - 100%
206   0   0
Dec 12, 2004
Went to work ... surfed the net ... did my daily analysis ... surfed the net ... went to lunch ... surfed the net ... walked around campus for 30 min to soak up the warm 70 degree weather + smoked 1/2 of a Bolivar lonsdale ... attended a 2 hr meeting, but only 10 mins was worthwhile ... surfed the net ... left work to pick up my wife ... dropped her at Curves for her workout ... smoked the other half of the Bolivar while waiting for her ... drove home.
Rating - 100%
33   0   0
Dec 29, 2004
Let's see what did I do tolday. I spoke to Jerry again. I saw a group buy on CW for Otter Box trays and posted here to give yall a heads up. I confirmed to go to a Herf in LI for Saturday and emailed Geoffrie, Ironman and Mark today. Also watched Duke play basketball tonight against wake. Not a great game sadly.



A herfin' herf.
Rating - 100%
3   0   0
Jan 31, 2005
Continued my Sales Training.
Kinda' liking the work overall.
Made a good call w/ f/u on a customer.
Rating - 100%
29   0   0
Dec 13, 2004
Got a call in the afternoon from the S/O that the garage door wasn't working - wouldn't go up or down. This is a two-car wooden door that's pretty heavy to lift, even with the springs helping out. It's a pretty old set-up, and I've had to repair it numerous times (wheels/rollers going bad, wood cracking, etc.). Needless to say, I figured my evening was booked. Took off early, got home, changed, went to the garage, hit the button - nothing. Wall switch not lit up, apparently not getting any power. Connections to the overhead unit look good. Turns out, the "lock" button on the wall switch had been pushed over just enough to do its job. Slide button - bingo. Don't you just love it when those home repairs only take two minutes? What would she do without me? I know what - she'd have called a garage door service and probably would have been replacing the tracks, rollers, etc.


April '05 BoM
Rating - 100%
105   0   0
Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Fiddled with the damn Tupperdor before coming to work. Have smokes in there until I can fix the dang small humi. Racked my brain to try and figure out how almost half a pound of beads isn't keeping the damn humidity at 65%. Finally gave up, barely got to work on time, got my first of coffee....and here we are.