I know the pain brother but take some peace of mind in the fact that she wasn't the right one. You will encounter many of them you'll be hurt and you will hurt but take refuge in the fact that when you meet the right one you know it without question. Everything else seems irrelevant and meaningless. With her you can do no wrong and yet do it all wrong.
She will be your best friend and the person you lean on hardest. Just the person you couldn't imagine anything else without her.
This pain will pass and fade. Just look at yourself and look back and see if you really were you when you were together.
I'm only 26 brother and I knew at 22 I had found my wife so brother keep your head up and don't let it let it get the best of you.
Sent from my Tapatalk 2 using iPhone. Bahahahaha ass backwards.
She will be your best friend and the person you lean on hardest. Just the person you couldn't imagine anything else without her.
This pain will pass and fade. Just look at yourself and look back and see if you really were you when you were together.
I'm only 26 brother and I knew at 22 I had found my wife so brother keep your head up and don't let it let it get the best of you.
Sent from my Tapatalk 2 using iPhone. Bahahahaha ass backwards.