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Fishing in DC


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
I won't be having a car
sure you will...


zipcars are parked all over downtown DC.. just get an account.. and go get in a car whenever you need one :grin:
Lol that is funny. I can rent one for 24 bucks 2 hours. Isn't it easier to rent one for a day in a car rental?
Its cheaper to rent a car for a day...

but its a lot more convienient/easy to do zip car in most cases..

if youre working within a couple of blocks of the capital.. you will literally be able to walk a couple of hundred yards tops.. and just get into the zip car.. and drive away.... then drop it off when you are done...

no having to catch a cab or the metro to a rental facility.. no having to wait in line.. etc..etc...

if you know you need a car for a couple of days.. the rental is a better option IMO...

if youre in DC for a couple of months.. and only need/want a car a couple of times.. for a few hours at a time.. the zip car is a pretty good solution (again, IMO...)...
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Feb 27, 2013
Washington, DC
I've lived in DC for around 9 years and haven't really found places to fish here per say. But VA and MD definitely has some good spots. I'll try to ask some co-workers where they go.
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Feb 27, 2013
Washington, DC
I won't be having a car
sure you will...


zipcars are parked all over downtown DC.. just get an account.. and go get in a car whenever you need one :grin:
Lol that is funny. I can rent one for 24 bucks 2 hours. Isn't it easier to rent one for a day in a car rental?
Its cheaper to rent a car for a day...

but its a lot more convienient/easy to do zip car in most cases..

if youre working within a couple of blocks of the capital.. you will literally be able to walk a couple of hundred yards tops.. and just get into the zip car.. and drive away.... then drop it off when you are done...

no having to catch a cab or the metro to a rental facility.. no having to wait in line.. etc..etc...

if you know you need a car for a couple of days.. the rental is a better option IMO...

if youre in DC for a couple of months.. and only need/want a car a couple of times.. for a few hours at a time.. the zip car is a pretty good solution (again, IMO...)...
I live in DC and the best thing to use car2go. I use it and it's pretty affordable if you're just looking to do grocery shopping or a quick 20 min drive.
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Apr 11, 2012
Not sure if they still have it, but Shakespeare used to have a lifetime warranty on Ugly Stick rods. "Borrowed" my Dad's when I was a kid....and promptly snapped it in half.....wrote a letter to Shakespeare and they sent him a new one (and saved me) :grin:
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Feb 13, 2013
La Plata MD USA
Uh, to the original point, I wouldn't eat anything caught near DC, but you can fish there. There are Snakeheads as well, definitely some closer. You need to travel a bit for the better fishing areas.

If you want bass fishing, they have a big tourney in Charles County near me at Smallwood State park. The pros go there, but its pretty busy even when not tournament time, because they're getting practice. There are plenty of other places to go if its not bass. I fish for Croaker, Striper, and some other stuff from a variety of places (more where my buddy wants to launch his boat) and if you want a few piers, there are plenty. I like Chaptico Mill Wharf, Point Lookout State Park (though that's usually packed) and a few places on my friends property. There's also a ton of Rockfish charters if you want to go that route.

They also have snakehead fishing, mainly in the Potomac, but Patuxent as well. I've gone bow fishing for them with a buddy, and that's a ton of fun. You get a big spotlight or five and then shoot the big suckers. Pretty good eating, if nasty suckers.
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Jul 12, 2010
Interesting topic. I too haven't fished since I was young, and we've rented a place in Annapolis for a couple of weeks. Was going to try and fish a few days. I was going to go to the bass pro shop in MD so I could find out what's in the waters, what gear/bait would work best for what's out there. G1
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Feb 13, 2013
La Plata MD USA
In Annapolis? Depends on what part. If its the bay, plenty of stuff. You are likely to find Croaker, Blue, Spot, Perch, Catfish, maybe a small Striped Bass or two depending on the time of year.

If you want to catch croaker, you just need squid or bloodworms. Squid, it can be frozen, just cut the hood off, cut small slivers out of that (so the look like a dangling piece of skin). They're best caught around an evening tide change in my experience, even better when the sun is dropping. Don't need a lot of skill, they set themselves. They're the best, get a bell, shore rod, and sit back and light up. You need a solid weight, double rig, and that's pretty much it.

If you want to catch other stuff, its a but different, but that's the most reasonable fish you would want to catch and eat that's of some size near you. If you want bass, there's a ton of other options to go with. I don't enjoy it as much, but the rigs are a whole different science to it. I have some I use that work, but it isn't what I'm after.
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Mar 21, 2011
Dominican Republic
Thanks a lot man. Honestly, I feel like an idiot reading all that...I don't understand most of it, so I google while I read you haha. About going to the park you recommended, it's south, far south from where I'll be staying and it'll be difficult to drive there. I'll probably do what you said: fish snakeheads at the potomac. That'll be exciting.
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Feb 13, 2013
La Plata MD USA
There should be some snakehead charters starting up. Just google them, or call a fish shop in St. Mary's, Calvert or Charles County MD.

Reasonably, you could go fishing above DC in the Potomac and probably catch some bass.