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Former cigarette smokers

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Nov 23, 2015
Just quick question to you former cigarette smokers. I've been wanting to quite cigarettes for awhile now and was wondering .

When you gave up smoking did you use cigars to take the edge off. I was thinking this might be a something I'll try but want to see if anyone else has done this.

I've tried quitting a number of times and going to try again on Monday.

I've been wanting to give it up because my wife hates cigarettes and always said she would never date/marry a smoker. Cigars she doesn't have a problem with.

She gets the social aspects of Cigars.

I mean when have you seen two cigarette smokers talk about their 5yo cigarette.
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Dec 10, 2015
I used cigars initially but found i was huffing through a heap. So switched to a pipe and now I'm hooked

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Jun 19, 2015
Springfield, VA
My first couple month I quit cold turkey. I had smoked for about 20 years, 2-3 packs a day. It was a couple months later that I found pipes and it's been downhill ever since.

For that quick nicotine fix that you want as a cigarette smoker, try nasal snuff. I wish I had found snuff all those years ago!
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Feb 4, 2015
I quit cigarettes in November 2013, haven't had one since. Cigars absolutely helped with that - particularly, if I wanted a drink. (Used to be that I would chain smoke when I drank - what would I do without my trusty cigarettes?) Once I'd committed to quitting, it was not nearly as bad as I'd thought it would be. And, I could enjoy a cigar almost every night, and it didn't leave me struggling to get through the day so that I could smoke. Note that I avoided drinking and smoking altogether for the first few days to make sure I was over that hump.

One interesting aspect, is that my strength preferences changed overnight - I went from smoking a lot of AJ and Garcia stuff to milder cigars like NC Montes for a few months - after a while I was able to stomach the stronger stuff again, but for the most part found I was smoking a more rounded variety of cigars than before, and not leaning as heavily on the nic bombs.

Also, be cautious of smoking too many cigars too frequently - not because it will make you sick, but because you will get used to it - and then you're kinda back to where you were before, albeit not nearly as bad, with wanting to smoke at random times throughout the day. I've gone that route and have recently found myself puffing on mini cigars at a point or 2 throughout the day - it's still a "cigar" and you're not inhaling like with cigarettes, but the habit-forming aspect can be strong. Still, if you're having a hard time with it, you might want to pick up some PC's or minis to help kick the cigarettes, if that's what it takes. Not as ideal as just a cigar or 2 at night, but still better than where you were before - you're not inhaling or smoking additives, you'll taste more in your cigars, and you'll be smoking better cigars. (I didn't say you'll be saving money, because that will inevitably go to smoking better cigars.)

Just remember that whatever route you choose, it has to be the one that works best for you. Good luck! (y)


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Jul 1, 2014
I def used cigars to help quit cigarettes. My problem was when I would be boozing I would be at my worst bc the urge was to light up a cigarette was its strongest. Simply instead of lighting a cigarette I would light up a cigar. It worked great for me as I wouldn't even touch a cigarette now.
Good luck to you.
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Mar 10, 2015
Cleveland, GA
I used a pipe to quit smoking cigarettes but after a week or so there was still a urge for something else.. Holding a pipe was different than cigarette.. I went and got some smaller RG cigars and it was over from there... Haven't had a cigarette since Feb. 11, 2015. Almost a year now... Good luck and you have plenty of support around here
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Feb 19, 2015
I quit after 30 years of 2-3 packs a day. Didn't start on cigars until a year or more after that. Wife quit using the e-cigs. She got the high nicotine juice used it for about a month, stepped down too the next lower nicotine for a month and so on. She no longer smokes or vapes.
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Jan 26, 2013
Bethlehem, PA, United States
Just quick question to you former cigarette smokers. I've been wanting to quite cigarettes for awhile now and was wondering .

When you gave up smoking did you use cigars to take the edge off. I was thinking this might be a something I'll try but want to see if anyone else has done this.

I've tried quitting a number of times and going to try again on Monday.

I've been wanting to give it up because my wife hates cigarettes and always said she would never date/marry a smoker. Cigars she doesn't have a problem with.

She gets the social aspects of Cigars.

I mean when have you seen two cigarette smokers talk about their 5yo cigarette.
I wanna quit too having a tough time
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Sep 14, 2014
Cana VA
More or less echo what has been said. Small rg cigars, pipes, snuff can definitely help. You'll probably be surprised how much your taste buds are going to recover.
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Oct 23, 2013
Island Lake, IL
I had to give up all tobacco and booze in order to make sure i kicked the habit, and booze lead me to bad decisions. I was too afraid that cigars would keep me from severing that addiction. Hell, i was even concerned once i started with cigars that it would lead me back to cigarettes. But it hasn't been the case. Quitting is the most difficult and best thing I've ever done. Its dumb and cliche but just take it one hour.. one day at a time. focus on the small victories. First 3 days. First week. First month. After a while, you won't physically crave them anymore. Then its the mental game... which is way easier. Slip ups are not failures at all. 1 a day beats a pack a day. My quitting failures always revolved around the idea that i could just become a social occasional smoker. I can't. I loved smoking too much! Once i really believed that i could never ever have another cigarette... i succeeded at quitting. I also took the money I was spending on cigarettes and set a reward if i quit for a year. $8 a day for 365 days = a $3000 reward. That kept me very motivated. Good luck! Its well worth the struggle.
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Nov 23, 2015
Thank you for all the words of support. Thankfully I also have a good support network at home as well my wife and friends told me they will do whatever it takes to help me. The funny thing is I'm the ONLY one who who smokes cigarettes out of all our friends.
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Sep 14, 2014
Cana VA
Heard years ago, you should cut back on caffeine when quitting cigarettes. Something in the smoke knocks down some of the caffeine. That's one reason for getting edgy.

The Munt

Observe everything. Listen intently.
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Mar 29, 2015
Karalee, QLD, Australia
Good luck brother it's a tough beast! Just be careful with pipes as you could stumble on something you can easily inhale and it becomes your favourite lol Dunhill Early Morning was my undoing, I now inhale that stuff just like when I was smoking cigs. Hopefully you find a way bro! Good luck
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Jun 19, 2015
Springfield, VA
Well this is my last cigarette. Ran out and instead of going to buy another pack I decided to quit a few day early.

I may not look happy in the pic but I just got off from a long day, there's a hint of a smile underneath that scruff.

I got this guys.
You got this brother. It'll take a huge amount of willpower, but you can do it. I never thought I'd be able to do it and did. I know you can too!!