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Forum ettiquette question

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Feb 1, 2015
I "liked" it because it made me laugh. You're so contentious and yet you can't even get a cliche' right about how you don't even care. Lol. Like I said relax. I'm not here to 'net battle you but you just seem to be going out of your way for absolutely nothing. That's all I'll say about it.
but according to internet laws you must add a "J/K" or a sarcasm meme.

you are going to getting jumped on by all the forum police they seem to have here

J/k!! <------------see?


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
Me? i just stated i could care less. its the dude with the tin foil hat that seems to be fragile*

* Fragile is a french word meaning fragile/weak
Think the comment was that the cliche is "I could NOT care less," not "I could care less." "I could care less" means that it is important to you.

I have no dog in this race. Don't care either way but didn't want a disagreement to erupt because of a misunderstanding.
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Feb 1, 2015
Think the comment was that the cliche is "I could NOT care less," not "I could care less." "I could care less" means that it is important to you.

I have no dog in this race. Don't care either way but didn't want a disagreement to erupt because of a misunderstanding.
its all good brother i would still rub your back if you were near me!


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Me? i just stated i could care less. its the dude with the tin foil hat that seems to be fragile*

* Fragile is a french word meaning fragile/weak
The main reason that most of us are here and LOVE this place is that there is a mutual respect for each other, a BROTHERHOOD. Unlike many other forums, sarcasm, flaming, bullying etc. have zero place here so please take a step back, take a deep breath and count to 10 sir.

Just some friendly advice from a more "seasoned" member of the forum who really loves to see new guys join us but also wants to make sure that this place does not digress into the hellhole that many other cigar forums can be.
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Feb 1, 2015
Unlike many other forums, sarcasm, flaming, bullying etc. have zero place here
Wow, really?" Sarcasm is forbidden? thought we all had to be over 21 to belong to this forum. wasn't aware this was a kiddie site. if you can't take a friendly ribbing now and then you have deeper issues.


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
As a very seasoned brother, gentlemen stay on topic and show respect. If you have a problem with someone, as I stated on my earlier post, take it to pm. If that can't resolve an issue, let one of the mods or admins know.
What if I have a problem with E?