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Freezing Cigars DPG's Opinion

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Feb 7, 2009
Midland, VA
Went to a Don Pepin Garcia event yesterday and thought I would run the ref/freezing cigars past him and others that were there.

I am bad with names and appoligize to some. I asked Mr. Garcia his opinion and the roller that was with him through an interpreter. Also asked Jose Ortega that was along and is the new sales VP for Garcia cigars. And the 2 reps that were also there.

Since I only began doing this ref/frez thing last Nov. and some have disgused it here and other forums I thought since I had a chanse to ask the folks who make a living at producing and selling cigars their thoughts, I would.

Well each and everyone of them stated it is not a good thing to do unless you have a beetle problem and a chance to maybe salvage cigars depending on how bad the infultration is. You stand a very high probabilty rate of losing the flavors in the cigars due to the temp and humidty fluctuations. They highly discourage it.

Just thought I would relay their opioions.
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Jan 21, 2008
Always intersting to hear opinions from guys in the industry on subjects like that. Thanks for asking and relaying the info!


BoM Jan '11
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Jan 26, 2010
Ontario, Canada
I've heard very different opinions on the subject of freezing in the short while I've been a member at this site. Some have said you are simply better off throwing out the infested cigars, others claim they freeze every cigar they receive before putting it an environment with the rest of their stock because they've dealt with infestation issues in the past. Personally, I'm going to side with the views of the insightful at DPG and never meddle with this unless there ever comes a time that it would be deemed absolutely necessary.

Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
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Jul 21, 2008
La Mesa CA
Thanks for passing this info along. I never freeze, but have wondered about its effects. I can't imagine anyone knowing more about cigar tobacco than DPG


Fire me up a
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Dec 30, 2009
New England
I have always felt that freezing cigars is a bad idea. I am not a fan. I have done it before and i feel like they taste different after. Whether it's psychosomatic or not the result is still the same for me. I keep my cigars at 65-68 degrees and i quarantine boxes i get for a week so it's not an issue for me.


BoM 11/09, 4/10 BoY '10
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Mar 12, 2009
I have never frozen a cigar or bunch of cigars and probably never will unless I have beetles.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
I've never had to do it and I live in Florida (knock on wood), but opinions vary on this WILDLY, so while I'm not saying anything against DPG or his people, I've seen multiple references regarding manufacturer's freezing their cigars before ever shipping into distribution. They obviously don't see this as a problem.

From Cigar.com:

Q: I've heard some manufacturers fumigate their cigars before shipment. Is this safe?

A: Indeed. Almost 90% of all manufacturers put their cigars through a process to keep insects, mostly tobacco beetles, from destroying their blends. Unfortunately, like all plants, tobacco serves not only as a home but also as food to many different types of insects. Before the cigars are shipped for distribution, some manufacturers freeze the tobacco, which rids the cigars of any pests including tobacco beetles. These insects can eat through a box of cigars in about two days and therefore this process is definitely necessary. Other manufacturers prefer fumigating their cigars before shipment. Since this process utilizes a gas and not a vapor to rid the cigars of any unwanted pests, it evaporates and dissipates quickly, leaving no residue. Each fumigation process differs from factory to factory, but none of them harm or taint the cigars since the gases used are odorless, flavorless, and do not saturate the sticks.
My point being, to each their own. This is one of those arguments like Cello on or off. Everyone's got an opinion and I doubt you'll ever get a true consensus.


BoM Feb '06 & Sept. '08
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Oct 6, 2005
Indianapolis, Indiana
I agree with Jason, agree to disagree on a lot of things. The only problem I have ever had with freezing a box is an 'off ' taste afterwards. Even using vendors that freeze cigars, the boxes have a different mustiness to them. I don't freeze anything unless I have to. To me, it's like putting on a bandaid before you need it.
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Oct 31, 2009
My point being, to each their own. This is one of those arguments like Cello on or off. Everyone's got an opinion and I doubt you'll ever get a true consensus.
.....pretty much sums up the debate. I try not to order cigars in the hotest months of the year.
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Apr 16, 2010
marmot zonda
i've never frozen a stick and never had a beetle problem...also ran a 6000 box humidor for a b&m and never froze a stick or had a problem with beetles there either...i'm actually curious as to how many b&m's freeze their product before shelf placement.


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
I have to admit I will do this durring hot summer shipments. Temps up here hit the 90's with a humidity or heat index of 100-110. If the box takes three days to get here or more I do worry a little about a beatle issue. I will take them inside open the box let them come down to room temp, then put in fridge for awhile, then the freezer for awhile, then back into the fridge, and finely take them out and let them come down to room temp before placing in the humidor.
It's not my prefered method for sure but I just can't stand the thought or risk of an infestation. I don't think I have ever noticed a change in taste from doing this and if you let it age properly in your humidor afterwords any effect should correct itself with aging time.
Tell me if I'm wrong but I hope not!
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Feb 7, 2009
Midland, VA
Ciggy, I don't know if there is a right or wrong.

What I am going to do on my next shipment is half a box put in the humi or process as normal and the other half I will preform the R/F/R step. Then smoke them along together and see if I notice a difference. So I will not know which is which process when I smoke them I will have the wife mark them that only she will know which is which. It may take a year but something to just play with.

I know what you mean about the heat and makes one :scratchhe about something happening. I try to order most of mine November through March.


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Ciggy, I don't know if there is a right or wrong.

What I am going to do on my next shipment is half a box put in the humi or process as normal and the other half I will preform the R/F/R step. Then smoke them along together and see if I notice a difference. So I will not know which is which process when I smoke them I will have the wife mark them that only she will know which is which. It may take a year but something to just play with.

I know what you mean about the heat and makes one :scratchhe about something happening. I try to order most of mine November through March.
Let me know what you think when you do!
Anybody else care to chime in on this method?
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Sep 12, 2009
Irving, Texas

I just purchased a box of La Riqueza Petit Robusto's from NHC and I froze them due to our temps being 100 degrees here in Texas currently. I went from fridge to freezer to fridge and they currenty taste great (even with little humidor time). Only time will tell if this will affect the taste over the long run...
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Jan 27, 2010
Austin, Texas
Phhhtt...DPG...who is he and what the heck does he know anyway!

:headroll: :headroll:

Thanks for asking the questions! I wonder what measures he takes to insure against infestation? He'll be here in a few weeks & I'll ask him that. Seems I've read that some manufacturers do indeed freeze before shipping.

I have had beetles before, twice. Scary to open up a container of cigars & see the little bastages crawling around. :crytears: Both time I threw out the ones with holes & froze the rest & they haven't returned.
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Oct 8, 2008
North Cackalacki
I think time is the real factor here. I'm assuming most of you don't have -80 freezers at home so i won't mention temp. :smile:

If you freeze something for a long enough time you will damage the cells.

So as long as it's long enough to kill the eggs, but not long enough to damage "dem baccy cells" it should be fine.

I'll also add if most manufacturers are doing it, i don't see a need to do it again.
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