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Freezing Cigars DPG's Opinion

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Oct 28, 2009
Thought of this often - lived in FL and CA - have never done the freeze but try not to order during the hottest months - currently have an order I'm waiting to ship -
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Feb 7, 2009
Midland, VA
Phhhtt...DPG...who is he and what the heck does he know anyway!

:headroll: :headroll:

Thanks for asking the questions! I wonder what measures he takes to insure against infestation? He'll be here in a few weeks & I'll ask him that. Seems I've read that some manufacturers do indeed freeze before shipping.

I have had beetles before, twice. Scary to open up a container of cigars & see the little bastages crawling around. :crytears: Both time I threw out the ones with holes & froze the rest & they haven't returned.
I wonder what measures he takes to insure against infestation? He'll be here in a few weeks & I'll ask him that.

That would be great like a nuckel head I am, I did not, he was busy. Also if you get a chance please ask about ageing and or resting his line of cigars and the pros and cons of it. Thanks.

The positive is if you can find them in their larva state. Lots of good protien there, yum yum.