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global warming my a$$


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
Hope U yall enjoy it, That is Y I moved to SC from MN..............


Grand Corona
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Sep 10, 2008
Las Vegas
When i go up at 4am this morning (don't ask) it was 28 degrees, and I don't mean celcius.

As for global warming I don't care I will not be here to see it if it happens, but it is a natural circle of the earth to have major temprature changes, so I highly doubt we can have much of an effect on it either way.

As for Southwest Texas I am glad you got it this year, we got some here on the strip for the first time in over 30 years last year.
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Nov 20, 2009
There are two issues, global climate change which we are observing and measuring, this is what scientists do, measure the mean temperature of the atmosphere and oceans. It is going up. And then there is the issue of the cause; is it the increase in "greenhouse" gases produced by man's activity, primarily burning of hydrocarbons (fossil fuels) or is it a cycle the climate would have gone through regardless of man's activity. The answer to that is not known.
I would ask what the downside is of decreasing our dependence on the dwindling supply fossil fuels and developing more "alternative resources". It apears to be win win.
Then there is of course the issue of the of the illinformed, emotional approach. This is when we choose a position on an issue not because we understand the issues and data supporting or not supporting it but because we like or dislike the messenger(s). Or we have an emotional position bouyed by the talking heads media we choose to listen to hopefully for entertainment, since there is little else than opinion there.
The tough part for most of us is finding quality information. The education system has clearly failed many of us in science, we don't have the ability or perhaps the desire to sort out the data if we find it.(I spend a shitload more time researching cigars than I do climate issues!)
Also, weather is the short term condition of the local atmosphere, climate is the long term condition on a more regional basis. You cannot look at weather and use it to comment on global climate. Snowing in an area that seldom sees it does not form a basis of knowledge of climate.