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BoM x 2, BoY 2011
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Sep 23, 2008
south of KCMO
i think if you still have some decent cartilage in your knees, the glucosimine chondroitin can help. you have to take it regularly and frequently it can take 90 days to see benefit.
if you gots no cartilage, ain't nuttin' gonna help. ( but joint replacement)
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May 13, 2009
This stuff is borderline VooDoo. The response is all over the place - for some it is a miracle drug for others you may as well use it to melt snow. We use it in animals quite a bit and some respond great and we know it works because dogs don't have the placebo effect. Like was said in a previous post it can take quite a while to see full effect - many times we don't know it was really working until we stop it, because the effects are so gradual.

Now on a side note - this stuff in not regulated - it is classified as a food additive, So they are not all created equal. A recent study showed that the Costco brand was one of the best absorbed and best quality of the 30 or so that were tested.

In case you haven't figured it out, I'm a Veterinarian not an MD - so you can take this with a grain of salt if you like.


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Jun 19, 2009
Napa Valley, CA
A good friend of mine gets it from Cosco and it has brought her joints back wonderfullly. She can work out and run and hike all she wants now whereas before she was always hurt.


Indiscriminate Bomber
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Dec 31, 2008
This stuff is borderline VooDoo. The response is all over the place - for some it is a miracle drug for others you may as well use it to melt snow. We use it in animals quite a bit and some respond great and we know it works because dogs don't have the placebo effect. Like was said in a previous post it can take quite a while to see full effect - many times we don't know it was really working until we stop it, because the effects are so gradual.

Now on a side note - this stuff in not regulated - it is classified as a food additive, So they are not all created equal. A recent study showed that the Costco brand was one of the best absorbed and best quality of the 30 or so that were tested.

In case you haven't figured it out, I'm a Veterinarian not an MD - so you can take this with a grain of salt if you like.
DVM thats ruff. Patients can't tell u where it hurts. I have seen some positive and negative results with my patients. Not sure that in those that feel better its because they want to feel better and those that are just negative in nature feel that nothing is going to work. So I say try it and see how u feel in about 90days to 6months


Craft Beer Addict!
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Oct 14, 2008
I been thinking about taking it myself, I have two degenerative disc's in my back and two in my neck that are starting to go bad.

Do your research, I still am....you have "Regular Strength, "Double Strength" and "Triple Strength", some say take 1 a day, or 2 a day and as many as 3 a day....still researching.


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
I am running three miles a day after a twenty year break. Dropped 31 pounds so far but the knees are definitely complaining. I had my doc check them and he said no grinding or problems and that I most likely have strained a things a mite. I thought if I could strengthen them up a bit it might help.

Hey DMV can I give this stuff to my 13 year old golden retriever? His hips are bothering him.


Formerly known as Jeeper
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Apr 12, 2007
I just heard about this stuff today at Physical Therapy. I might have to give it a try. I am still young but have had issues with my knees. Just getting over ACL surgery.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
A couple guys said about it a few posts ago. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. My father swore by it but that could have been a placebo effect(he eventually had surgery). I don't know if my mother took it but she is 63 with a one year old and a 5 month old bionic knee.

Give it a try it won't hurt and if you notice a difference then hell keep taking it.

We go through all the current snake oils and miracle cures in my anatomy class right now. From one of the studies we went over which was a double blind study, none of the "dietary supplements" did anything they claimed. The only thing that they said could have some merit was ginger but it only seemed to help with nausea due to chemotherapy.

So who wants to buy some colon cleansing pills from me? :eyebrow:

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
I take it everyday. Helps me play competitive paintball still. Go to Trader Joes and get the tablets with Chondritine (Spelling) and something else mixed in. I will give you the info later.
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Feb 12, 2008
Karachi, Pakistan
My wife's been going on and on about this new liquid glucosamine that she wants to give to all her patients apparently since its liquid its absorbed faster in the body hence goes to work faster. What has her gushing like a prom queen is the fact that its made using shark cartilage rather than cow/pig etc apparently shark cartilage has magical qualities. If you want the name PM me I don't want to advertise for a product I haven't used.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Chuck im not a doc but heres what i know. If you are going to take it there are two forms. One ends in HCL the other is a Sulfate form. Stay away from the HCL , it is very hard for the body to absorb, upsets most peoples stomachs etc. THe Sulfate form (more expensive form) is what you are looking for. Also anything in CAPSULE form is better(more expensive again) Im not sure of liquid, sorry. Once again stay away from the HCL you'll be much happier. And dont be surprised on how many are HCL its much cheapier to manufacture.


The Skipper
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Mar 28, 2009
Coral Springs, Florida
Was taking Glucosamine - Chondritin - MSM for 3 years... lost my job and cut it out due to cost.... .my knees definitely went downhill fast. When I went back on it, the pain stopped within a month... so I swear by it.
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Apr 24, 2007
Phoenix Arizona
I've been taking Cosamin DX (double strength cosamine with chondriton) for about 10 years after knee surgery. My Dr. friend recommended that I take that brand because it was tested and certified (?) which most brands are not. Of course it's more expensive than the others.