ya what he said loli think if you still have some decent cartilage in your knees, the glucosimine chondroitin can help. you have to take it regularly and frequently it can take 90 days to see benefit.
if you gots no cartilage, ain't nuttin' gonna help. ( but joint replacement)
DVM thats ruff. Patients can't tell u where it hurts. I have seen some positive and negative results with my patients. Not sure that in those that feel better its because they want to feel better and those that are just negative in nature feel that nothing is going to work. So I say try it and see how u feel in about 90days to 6monthsThis stuff is borderline VooDoo. The response is all over the place - for some it is a miracle drug for others you may as well use it to melt snow. We use it in animals quite a bit and some respond great and we know it works because dogs don't have the placebo effect. Like was said in a previous post it can take quite a while to see full effect - many times we don't know it was really working until we stop it, because the effects are so gradual.
Now on a side note - this stuff in not regulated - it is classified as a food additive, So they are not all created equal. A recent study showed that the Costco brand was one of the best absorbed and best quality of the 30 or so that were tested.
In case you haven't figured it out, I'm a Veterinarian not an MD - so you can take this with a grain of salt if you like.