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Goin' in for PRK/Lasek on Saturday....


BoM May '06
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Nov 27, 2005
State College, PA
Ko, let's see how bad my typing is when I can't see the screen....

Had the procedure done yesterday morning at about 10am. got home and slept for a couple of hours (Valium will dot that) Wen I woke up, I felt pretty good. no pain, but i can see 2X as well as I could wiithout my glasses before the operation.

Had to go in for a checkup this morning at 7:30 am. Everything was great from the doctor's poit of view. I still can't see vry well. (Have no real idea what I'm typing here lol)

I'll probalby not get back on the board until Wednesday at the earliest, doubt my siight will be sharp enough until then.

I just thought I'd post an update since I was on keeping some bros up to date on a couple of my commitmensts......
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Feb 15, 2008
Dallas Texas
my wife had the coke bottle glasses and would only leave the house with her contacts. she had lasik about 6 years ago and is still going strong with 20/20. she would wishes she would have done it long ago.


BoM May '06
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Nov 27, 2005
State College, PA
Visited the Doctor this evening. I have to leave my bandage contacts in for a couple of more days. My corneas haven't closed up under them yet. So far Sunday was my best day, Monday not so good and Tuesday not even as good as Monday. I have a good relationship with my eye doctor, so I I've very confident in him. He's happy with my progress. Still can't really see that well yet. But then I had bad refraction, so the amount of material removed was above average. But given all of this....I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Once I can see the screen clearly enough, I'll describe the actual process, I was a trip!

Thanks for the support bros! Only downside is that Joane has to help me once in a while (not right now...) but keeping her from the NSFW threads is tough....lol


BoM May '06
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Nov 27, 2005
State College, PA
Hi all,
Just checkin' in. sight is returning slowly. Driving now (daytime), but comp screens still are giving me fits......

Gonna have a lot to catchup on when i can actually see the screen again, but hope all is going well with erveryone.
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Feb 21, 2008
I had Lasik about 11 years ago - I was legally blind without my glasses.

Around 20/20 still to this day. It's slipping; at one point I had better than "perfect" eyesight, but I am noticing I can't see things in the distance quite as well any more. So it goes.

You'll be delighted you did it!
11 years without glasses sure isn't anything to complain about. :D

I had it done about 3-4 years ago, and my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.


BoM May '06
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Nov 27, 2005
State College, PA
Hello, hello, hello.....

Been a very busy month +. But things may settle down a bit after next week. vision is still coming back, visited the eye doc last Thursday and he's very pleased with my recovery. I was 20/30 then. A bit better now.

I'm really glad that I took the plunge and had this done. Sure, it's taken longer to get my sight back than I thought it would, but I was certainly warned. I guess I just didn't realize that you just can't put on a pair of glasses or contacts and see great until you're eyes heal. Nothing to refract through....

Anyhow, I should be at 20/20 or 20/15 in a couple of weeks and my night vision will be fine by then as well. I'm lucky enough to be able to use cheapo reading glasses (dollar store) to read screens and paper work (whoohoo), so things are fine.


Smokin' and Workin'
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Apr 26, 2008
I work as an assistant for an optometrist so I see patients come in daily and deal with post-op all the time.

The surgery goes pretty quick and the recovery time is basically like djs explained. Its basically a 24 to 48 hour recovery period before you can take off the contact lens bandages.

And, how some people have mentioned, sometimes you may notice some decreased sharpness in your vision after some years. With some procedures you can go back for an enhancement after time and get that corrected. Also, sometimes in later years you may find that your distance is good but your reading (12" to 15" from your nose) isn't so good anymore. Reading glasses is about the only way to correct that. And get it as a prescription from your eye doctor - not OTC readers from the dollar store. :smile:

Glad to hear that its working out for you djs. I've thought about it myself, but in my line of work people tend to trust the person trying to sell them glasses if they're wearing glasses themselves.
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Apr 3, 2008
Westchester, NY

Your eyes must have been bad! I know I had terrible sight and astigmatism...I had the operation done on Monday and on Tuesday I was seeing 20/20! I couldnt believe it. The only problem was a little stinging on tuesday when I was reading for prolonged periods - plus my right eye is a tiny bit blurry and has slight haloes around the lights. The doc says that this will all go away and I really hope it does... Cigar smoking on the other hand was causing dry eyes last night...that was a disappointment, but I figure it will get better as my eyes have not healed yet.

I am glad you are seeing better now Daniel! This technology just amazes me!


BoM May '06
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Nov 27, 2005
State College, PA
Charlie, you must have had Lasik surgery. My brothers, sister and wife went that route. With PRK, they actually remove a portion of the cornea instead of making a flap. I have to regrow that part of my eye. That's why it's taking me this long. Even now, my cells are still not as dense as they were/will be which is why glasses don't work, very little to refract through to improve my sight.

But then I DID have -7.5/-8.25 vision (I think that translates to something in the neighborhood of 20/400+.......
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Apr 3, 2008
Westchester, NY
Ah, I see said the blind man...or the not so blind anymore man.

The doc made me watch a short presentation which included a segment on PRK but It was not clear that they cut a piece of the cornea off instead of making a flap. Anyway, I am glad you are doing better!