I was going to wait till Emerson was born to open that bottle of lot B. Not anymore. Cheers to Barney and one hell of a dog owner.... Keep your chin up Dave.
I am not going to lie, this deeply saddens me...Dave just know he is in the big park in the sky with Jay my big furry buddy pissing on all the big hydrants in the sky.
He will be kept in my prayers and more so you will also as I know the pain brother honestly. May god bless you.
so sorry for your loss. I recently loss my smoking buddy Conan the Catbarian of 17 years a few months back. Just remember the great times y'all had and that he loved you deeply. My wife and I made a marker for where he's buried. It was a good healing activity and a great way to honor him. Just a thought for you and your family during this rough time. Again, my condolences.
Sorry for your loss, brother. It really is like loosing a close family member.
You can tell a lot about a person by how they feel about and treat their dogs/pets. You, my friend, are a great person.
Very sorry for your loss. It's never easy when they cross the rainbow bridge. No more suffering, and plenty of tennis balls to play with. We have a pet cemetery outside my town that does burials and cremations and I fully plan on having mine cremated when the time comes.
Our pets give us unconditional love ànd affection so our hearts are broken by more than the loss ...it fundamentally changes our lives in such a positive way. What else impacts how we're able to be so moved by how they change us for the better? Our vulnerability to them changes us. ..teaches us how to be better people and we mourn them differently because they were our teachers that just wanted our love ànd affection. I've had dogs my entire life and even with their passing I'd go through it all again. ..that is a joy unspeakable VS never having it at all. My personal thoughts are with you and yours.