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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
What an Intense story/s.... I can't believe the cigars survived! That's just horrible that the three of you had to go through that.. (Craig,Bill,fullyarmed) I am glad all of you and your families were unharmed and you've all since rebuilt something new. I wasn't around three years ago but I can only imagine the on pour of love and generosity from these guys.
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Jan 26, 2013
Bethlehem, PA, United States
I had the minimum coverage for renters insurance which took a few weeks to get and all that went in to furniture and paying the deposits to move in to the next place. The friends, family and overly gracious brothers here went above and beyond getting me back on my feet quickly. I will never forget after being up almost all night getting ready to go to work the next morning and realizing I had nothing to change in to and having to go to the store to get a change of clothes for that day. I really hate shopping and would go out for hours buying stuff only to realize I had bought about 3-4 day worth of stuff. Fortunately I had somewhere to stay temporarily, but it was definitely an experience I hope I never have to go through again.
Yea brother i pray none of us has to experience that again.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
Hard to believe another year has passed and this has been 4 years now. I didn't want to create a new thread, but it's hard not to think about this, especially today. I am very grateful for all the friends, family and brothers that went above and beyond to help me out. I know it may sound old, but I truly appreciate the help. I wouldn't be where I am today without it. Thank you.

A Huge Nerd

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Jun 5, 2015
Forest Lake, MN
Most importantly, very glad you are alive and well, and very glad people surrounded you with generosity.

When I was 10 years old, our house was torched. Lost almost everything. It was on a Sunday morning and we were at church. Someone came and got me and and my brothers out of Sunday school and told us what was going on. We went down to see my parents and then we went home, or what was left of it. You are right, that you NEVER forget that smell. To this day, if the right combo of garbage ends up in the bonfire, I am taken back to that day because of that smell. In the end, the biggest miracle was that our dog survived. She was in her kennel in the corner of the garage and the firefighters got to her in time. For the rest of her days she was scared to death of loud sounds. I can't imagine how loud it was in that garage when all the windows in the house blew out, and she was right there for it. After that day, even something like clapping your hands would cause her to cower on the floor and shiver. We arrived at the house just as the firefighters were finishing up. As we walked through the house, my Dad was mostly just pissed off, my Mother and older Brothers were sobbing. For some reason, I wasn't crying. I was more curious than anything. Seeing all of our stuff burned and melted. It was just a curiosity to me. When we turned the corner through the kitchen and headed through the patio door out the back, there was a pile of debris on the ground outside. In that pile was my white cowboy hat, half burned up. It had been given to me by my Grandmother. That was it for me. I lost it and spent the next few hours crying my eyes out. The support from our neighbors, family, and church friends was incredible. I will never forget how people circled around and provided for us. We were even given a place to live free of charge while our house was rebuilt. I am really glad to see how well you got through your ordeal. It makes me happy to know that people are always looking out for others.
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Sep 28, 2015
That's a crazy story, the only thing that made it was the cigars. It's weird, it seems like the one constant I see popping up here is the power of the community and what it can do for the good people that make it up. Glad you can look back on this now and see positives in it Craig. That alone is pretty damn awesome.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Those words that come to mind...what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger seems to be overused these days..what you went through is something that could devastate weaker men and to soldier forward takes a mental fortitude even we don't readily understand. Losing everything...which a few of us have gone through is something you don't wish on anybody but to come out the other side of it will change you for the better. Empathy for others..knowing you've been through something so horrendous is something that you can share with others so they know it's something they can get through as well. Shared experiences are a comfort to others who want to know there is life after something so harsh...what you have to offer...what you have offered is more valuable than riches as you can change lives for the better...you offer hope and there is no substitute for that.
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Feb 4, 2015
Seeing this really puts things into perspective, and it's inspiring to see the brothers bounce back from something that I can't truly imagine.

Those words that come to mind...what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger seems to be overused these days..what you went through is something that could devastate weaker men and to soldier forward takes a mental fortitude even we don't readily understand. Losing everything...which a few of us have gone through is something you don't wish on anybody but to come out the other side of it will change you for the better. Empathy for others..knowing you've been through something so horrendous is something that you can share with others so they know it's something they can get through as well. Shared experiences are a comfort to others who want to know there is life after something so harsh...what you have to offer...what you have offered is more valuable than riches as you can change lives for the better...you offer hope and there is no substitute for that.
I'd click "like" on this a million times if I could, or at least until my finger got too tired to click anymore...