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Gun in humidor?

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Sep 23, 2009
Denver, CO
I would work on bringing your wife around to the idea of a gun in the house first, that way you don't even have to think of hiding one in your humidor for the above mentioned reasons ;)
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
The likelyhood of rust is dependent on the gun obviously. I have high humidity all summer long (like some of you guys in the south). I do not store my glock in a dehumidifier conditioned chamber. I keep it on me using my inside waste band holster. Rust and corrosion are an issue for guns with less robust finishes but for a do it all black handgun with a plastic subframe I don't see keeping it in a humidor as a detrimental thing.

Hoppes flavored cigars? How much fucking gun oil are you guys using? GEEZUS! A dab will do you at wear points, you don't have to treat it like a tropicana girl for god sakes.


Young & Eager
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Apr 21, 2011
Charlotte, NC
I would work on bringing your wife around to the idea of a gun in the house first, that way you don't even have to think of hiding one in your humidor for the above mentioned reasons ;)

My fiancée is from a hugely anti-gun family and guns alwaus made her nervous. Now I have like 20 laying around here at all times...


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
I would work on bringing your wife around to the idea of a gun in the house first, that way you don't even have to think of hiding one in your humidor for the above mentioned reasons ;)

My fiancée is from a hugely anti-gun family and guns alwaus made her nervous. Now I have like 20 laying around here at all times...
Never planned on hiding it from her, just thought my new cabinet humi and a 2nd kid was a good excuse to finally get one and have a safe place for it away from the kids/people. My wife keeps enough shit under the bed the way it is for me to have a safe down there!?! LOL
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Nov 15, 2010
Overland Park, KS
Just get a small fingerprint safe.. Humidity is not good on guns. That's why they sell dehumidifying sticks and wha not for gun safes..

Protection isn't the only reason you need a gun.. You also need them because they are fun to shoot..
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Feb 27, 2012
Just get a small fingerprint safe.. Humidity is not good on guns. That's why they sell dehumidifying sticks and wha not for gun safes..

Protection isn't the only reason you need a gun.. You also need them because they are fun to shoot..
+1 Agree
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Jul 25, 2007
Austin, TX
Guns in gun safes, for the most part, require an active desiccant or de-humidifer. Any humidity on the firearm could potentially cause rust to start, this includes the internal parts of your gun. Keeping the oil and lubricant on the firearm is a great idea, and you'd do it anyway whether it was in a humidor or not, but adding humidity to the firearm, could potentially induce rust to the inner workings. When the gun comes out to address a threat, it could malfunction or not function at all.

In a few words, don't do it. Better to put a lock on it.
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Aug 1, 2011
Trophy Club, Tx.
Cigars don't belong in gun safes just like guns don't belong in humidors. Either get a small closet safe or stick it under your mattress. I have a safe for my long guns but the pistol goes under the mattress because at 0dark:30, reaching under a mattress will be a hell of a lot easier than spinning a dial and making sure I hit all the correct numbers while someone is either in my house or trying to crowbar my door. There are no timeouts in situations like this. Be sure to put the pistol an arms length under the mattress so no curious little arms can reach it and you'll be fine.


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
i would not do it. guns and humidity do not mix well together. that said, my glock is exposed to the 'elements' every day. just gotta keep it clean.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I just love the tone these gun thread develop on this forum or any forum that will discuss guns. You guys, always so serious. You make it sound like you're lecturing the poor dude.

I know I know guns are no joking matter. However I joke about everything.

Pssst I was kidding about keeping it in a fish tank (thought I think it'd take a long long time in freshwater to corrode the parts you're hinting at), but keeping a glock in a humidor under 75% humidity will not cause it to corrode. You'd be surprised to see what the relative humidity in most of your houses compared to your humidor. So unless you have a desiccant in your gun cases or all of your safes your relative humidity is likely very similar to your humidor.

I know some of you are waiting and hoping for someone to break into your house so you can jerk your egos off and write to the NRA about how you killed an intruder. I bet some of you even read those stories in the gun magazines about moments of self defense and then have wet dreams at night. I'm a every day carry guy, I don't do it to prove I have a big dick or because I think people are after me. I don't do it because I'm a paranoid nut job that would rather be judged by 12 than carried by six. I carry it because I like to carry. It's like a set of keys or a flash light to me.

If he kept his gun locked in his cabinet humidor it's better than keeping it unlocked elsewhere. Hell it's better than where I keep my guns. I have trigger or cable locks and the guns are just in their cases in my closet. Gasp! By the way there's no corrosion on any of my firearms even the ones with blued steel.