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Hands Off My Cigars FDA!

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
We were talking about this last night at our store meeting. Our owner was saying something about premium cigars being defined for the first time that would help avoid situations like this. The details of said conversation are a bit fuzzy as our "meeting" was at The Pub :ccool:


BoM Nov '10
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124   0   0
Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
Look what I got in my e-mail today...

Dear Mr. Todd,

Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 1639, the Traditional Cigar Manufacturing and Small Business Job Preservation Act; I appreciate having the benefit of your views.

As you know, H.R. 1639 would reduce regulatory burdens on the premium cigar industry by clarifying the Food and Drug Administration's jurisdiction to regulate and impose fees on the cigar industry.

While there is no doubt that tobacco products pose harm, I am also mindful that small businesses are already overwhelmed by regulatory burdens; the prospect additional user fees and heightened regulation may have unintended consequences. Congress has been, over the last several years, ceding its lawmaking and appropriating duties to the Executive branch, which is full of unelected, faceless bureaucrats. These agencies impose costly and wasteful regulations without transparency. H.R. 1639 has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for further consideration. I will keep your views in mind should this legislation come to the House floor for a vote.

Hearing the views of all Missourians gives me the opportunity to better understand how important issues could impact the people of Missouri and the future interests of the nation. In that regard, your input is most helpful.

For additional information regarding current legislation and my representation of the Seventh District, I invite you to visit my website at http://www.long.house.gov.


Billy Long
Member of Congress
If you haven't done this yet, what are you waiting for??!!
