When starting on this eat all the fresh raw foods you can. Really large salads with vinegar and oil, low fat dressings, marinated vegetables and marinated beans. A simple olive oil, vinegar, fresh garlic. fresh onion and fresh herb marinade without added salt. Fish, fish, fish a pat of butter in a non-stick pan with a little garlic (powder), maybe some chili flakes. I think the key is to get used to eating fresh, the taste of fresh whole food is so wonderful you don't miss all the other stuff. Summer is coming so you have all those fresh vegetables going to be in season.
Chicken and turkey with minimal skin, did I say fresh fish? If I didn't I meant to. Lots of beans either canned with low salt or home cooked. Look at meat as a seasoning, not a course of a meal. Vegetable stir fry with small bits of meat or poultry for seasoning,
If you feel you need professional advice make an appointment with a dietician. A good one will do a lot more then just hand you a piece of paper with a list of food on it.
My best advice is fresh, minimally processed food, lots of fiber, creative seasonings and don't go hungry, If you feel deprived you lose. I'm coonass through and through, I had to relearn to cook to be a bit healthier, think of all the fun you can have trying new recipes and finding tasty substitutes for the stuff you need to cut from your diet. Make it fun.
When starting on this eat all the fresh raw foods you can. Really large salads with vinegar and oil, low fat dressings, marinated vegetables and marinated beans. A simple olive oil, vinegar, fresh garlic. fresh onion and fresh herb marinade without added salt. Fish, fish, fish a pat of butter in a non-stick pan with a little garlic (powder), maybe some chili flakes. I think the key is to get used to eating fresh, the taste of fresh whole food is so wonderful you don't miss all the other stuff. Summer is coming so you have all those fresh vegetables going to be in season.
Chicken and turkey with minimal skin, did I say fresh fish? If I didn't I meant to. Lots of beans either canned with low salt or home cooked. Look at meat as a seasoning, not a course of a meal. Vegetable stir fry with small bits of meat or poultry for seasoning,
If you feel you need professional advice make an appointment with a dietician. A good one will do a lot more then just hand you a piece of paper with a list of food on it.
My best advice is fresh, minimally processed food, lots of fiber, creative seasonings and don't go hungry, If you feel deprived you lose. I'm coonass through and through, I had to relearn to cook to be a bit healthier, think of all the fun you can have trying new recipes and finding tasty substitutes for the stuff you need to cut from your diet. Make it fun.