Well, it all comes down to this. Pay what you want for a cigar. Smoke what you like. Give away what you don't like. Pete didn't create the hype on all his new releases. We as cigar smokers did. Yes he markets them, but look at this board, as well as others, 6 months ago. Feeding frenzy just for some cigars. Again, Pete didn't start it. Cigar smokers did.
The original poster mad some valid points. He spoke his opinion. We don't have to like or agree with it, but we should show some respect.
Will I be buying the super cab of the La Veritas. No. Will I buy some of the pre-order ones. Yes. You failed to mention that Pete will be allowing retailers the option of allowing people to pre order at a lower price. Nice trend taken directly from the wine industry, specifically the Bordeaux futuers.
As for Pete having more than one Ferrari, trust me, he doesn't even have one. He drives a Range Rover. He puts his pants on like the rest of us and is just like the rest of us. He loves smoking great cigars. If you knew anything about the man, he shares the share. And that speaks volumns. When you walk into his offices, you better not pull out one of your own cigars, because he will hand you something new or old to try.
By the way, I am not defending Pete, PHJ Cellars, Tatuaje or Havana Cellars. That's his job and what he pays attorneys to do. I am just pointing out some thoughts and standing by my friend.