I got collared in Louisiana back in '79 for contempt of court.
Before I moved there for my first permanent duty assignment in the USAF, my ex-Grandmother-in-Law, who knew I liked to fish, told me she had called the parrish sheriff and found out that since I was military, I didn't have to buy a fishin' license. My first mistake was to take this as good information.
So, there I was a few weeks later, fishin' on the Sabine River when a game & fish officer asked for my license. I handed him my ID card, which was no good as luck would have it, and he wrote me a ticket.
When I got home, I called dear old Maw-maw and asked her for the name of that knucklehead of a sheriff. After I explained the problem, she said she'd give him a call and give him what-for. She called back and told me the sheriff would take care of it. At this point, I repeated my first mistake and took this as good information.
A few weeks later, a deputy from my parrish knocks on the door and said he had a warrant to arrest me for contempt of court because I didn't pay my ticket or make an appearance. I got cuffed...the wife was bawlin'...they hauled me off...printed me...the whole thing. Wound up havin' to pay double the original fine.
It turned out okay, though. That sheriff finally "took care of it." Got my money back and my record cleared.