Congratulations mate. Kinda a rough day for all involved, but so rewarding.
It's hard to explain that feeling. The most amazing thing I found was normally for a person to love another (and I wouldn't be the most affectionate of blokes at the best of times), whether it be a sibling (years of growing up together), a mate (years of comradary), or a lover (relationship develops over the years) it takes years to develop that true love for another!
When it's your kids though on that birthday something special happens, you don't know this person, you have never met them, they have never loved you back and yet it's like a lightning bolt to the head as soon as you lay eyes on them and you realise you would die for them in a heart beat.
That was the strangest thing I remember about the day my son was born, he's almost 2 now and we've a little girl on the way in August so I get to do it all again!!
Congrats again brother and good health to your family. Just curious what did you smoke to celebrate that day?