OK, so here's my pitiful ass first attempt at precision shooting with a scoped rifle.
I went out on Sunday to one of the local 100 yard ranges. Arrived at about 10:30 am to sight-in and break-in the new barrel (for the unitiated that means shooting a round, cleaning; shooting 3 rounds cleaning; etc.; etc.; ad nauseum). I fired a total of 30 rounds. Between all the cleaning and shooting, I was there until 3pm! So, hopefully my later shooting can be excused for being tired...we'll see the next tiem I go out.
Here's the first target at 50 yards, see below it for the description of rounds:
Round 1: directly left of the target. No idea how it got there as you'll see from the next rounds. Clean.
Rounds 2-4: Bottom Left group. Not too bad. Clean. 4 inches down, 3 inches left.
Round 5: My mathmatically challenged ass screws up the number of clicks I need, and instead of turning twice what I would need at 100 yards as I was at 50 yards, I turned half. Up one inch and Left one and a half inches from the previous group.
Rounds 6-9(round counts are a little sketchy here, I forgot my notebook and seem to have lost the scrap I was keeping track on): Part of that ragged hole in the left center of the target. :halfgrinw Oh...Clean.
Rounds 10-12: Part of that Ragged Hole left center of the target.:glassesgr
Rounds 13-15: At this point I figure I'm pretty spot on so I attempt to move myself directly center target. The result is the three shot group in the center of the target. This was the start of my shooting going downhill. Clean.
Rounds 16-20: My first foray at 100 Yards. The 4 shots below and to the right of center and that one lone shot far left, but inside the black. Bah.:frownno:
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Clean.
So now we move to my last 10 shot group at 100 Yards before I cleaned the gun for good and packed up for home. If you look closely at the buttstock of the rifle you will notice a folded apparatus at the bottom of it. This is the Accushot Monopod. It's a nifty little device that allows you to have a rear rest without a bean bag or what not. It's also adjustable so you can lock into the rifle and with your support hand adjust for elevation. It works well, but I need practice with it. I'm pretty sure I was not using it to it's full advantage as I believe the second knurled ring is used for locking in your adjustment and I wasn't doing that. So every time I fired the rifle I was losing my previous adjustment and having to resight. That, the heat and simply me caused this wonderful 100 yard target. Hopefully I can do better my next time out. :tongueout
At least two of those center shots were my last shots on target. For whatever reason I seemed to be walking my rounds in closer to the target. I was having a hell of a time staying on target and keeping the rifle steady at this point. I'd like to think that those three shots in the center where my last few shots, but I really don't know. I shot all ten before going out and checking my target and I couldn't see the holes that well through my scope at 100.
All in all it was a good trip. I got the tedious chore of breaking in the barrel done (well, maybe a couple more 10 shot, clean strings, we'll see) and I finally got to get behind the new rifle. Hopefully things will improve with time and practice. now to find lots more ammo. :grin: