Ryan Welcome! Where abouts in Atlanta do you live? I live in Covington but work in Atlanta on Grant Street SE. We need to plan a herf soon with Andrew and several other brothers near Atl. Glad to have you with us. I'm Mike by the way.
Thanks for the welcome guys! To all my GA bro's, I work ITP live OTP on the west side. Blue and orange will still fly, and sorry can't "rise up" but I'll be sure to Fire the cannons from Raymond James as Famous Jameis lights em up.
Theres a wealth of knowledge possessed on this board, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask someone and hit up the NST trade area to get your foot in the door on trades. There's also some good readings on here, I'd link to them but I'm using my phone, but they can be found as sticky threads at the top of sub forums.