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Hey BOTL's!

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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
I have been watching intently because we are in the neutral zone. Its either ice, snow or rain. This weeke d luckily its sleet tonight, rain and 44 tomorrow then snow flurries and 30 on sunday. Going out of town to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. Dave and Busters and a cigar bar!


Smoke it if ya got it!
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Feb 2, 2015
St. Louis MO
Here's to a great weekend even though ive only had 3 Saturdays off in last 4 years!
This week has been erratic. Crazy. Happy its over. Tomorrow morning ill be smoking a nice week-end morning smoke. Can't wait. Relax saturday ftw
Morning smoke... What a great idea! I could get up before the future wife and son and enjoy a nice relaxing morning by myself and get brownie points for being up earlier than the family. If I don't go to bed late tonight I am so doing that tomorrow morning!
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Feb 7, 2015
Mechanicsburg, PA
Had one of my best weekends in quite a while. My wife's mother and her mother's boyfriend flew up from Florida Friday morning and surprised my wife with a 4 day visit. It was my wife's 51st birthday Sunday and she usually only sees her Mom once a year. I picked up my mother in law at the airport Friday morning so that she could be here when my wife came home from work Friday. My wife was in tears and they had a great time catching up. I was sad to take my mother in law back to the airport this morning. But it was great to see my wife so happy for her birthday. My parents came over Sunday and we had a nice party for my wife. Very very nice weekend.