Another favorite of mine that was reasonably cheap were Mayorga. They are now owned by JRs but here's some for sale. They're a Nicaraguan cigar and were damn fine. Seeing them again makes me want to buy them again. I would go with the "hi-octane" versions as that is what I'm familiar with.
No one's mentioned it thus far, but has some house blend sticks that are pretty inexpensive (~2.50). They just added a new one with a sun grown wrapper too :grin:. I've not had them myself (placing an order tomorrow though), but here's some links to the little I could dig up from here:
I had some other links too, but they all kept coming up the same :scratchhe :dunno:. Anyway if you just search you can find the other posts too. Also there is a threat entitled something like "Top Ramon Cigars" that should interest you.