So I go into the pro shop at the Kettler Center (where the Caps practice in DC), to look for some equipment for my nephew. I took my skates in for sharpening as it was opportune. While I was getting my skates sharpened, I chatted with the guy there and he was right in that I should bring him in rather than try and guess on sizing (my nephew's from Louisiana so not as much equip down there). So I start looking at some of the equipment there and I was floored by the prices now. I guess its technology but man! I still use the same sticks that I have used from back 10 years ago-translation-wood. My gloves are all leather, now they look like they're all cloth. Some of the sticks they had were amazing. super light and all one piece. I remember the better guys were using shafts with blades but only saw a couple of them and get this..1 wood stick in the whole place. Same ol reliable Sherwood 5030 stick but only 1!! One of the Reebok sticks I picked up looked real cool and again, felt like air but the pricetag... $219!! Would I be pissed if I broke that one lol. G1