If you wish to sell cigars, all you have to do is post in the proper place. The Trading Room. It is rather easy really.thats why i cant sell opus x at msrp...hmm:sadpace:
Hey! You just keep running bottle (BOTL) and let me worry about my "clips"I was impressed until you referred to your mags as clips. :wink:
I was impressed until you referred to your mags as clips. :wink:
:grin:And just how do you know i wasn't referring to my stripper clips?!?!:chat: yeah, that's it!!!:wink:
and at least i didn't call them "bullets" like my wife does.
$7.95 for a cigar that should sell in Ohio for around $6.00 max with local OTP upsets me. I did not raise my prices and will not this year at all. The retailers should not be on my product. Not a fan of raising across the board when they are not being charged more. No worries brother I got this handled.
make it rain.$7.95 for a cigar that should sell in Ohio for around $6.00 max with local OTP upsets me. I did not raise my prices and will not this year at all. The retailers should not be on my product. Not a fan of raising across the board when they are not being charged more. No worries brother I got this handled.
Yea i couldn't agree more ! :argh:That is messed up...you should call them out on it. I think there are going to be quite a few shops that are going to take advantage of this hike to add a couple more bucks into their pockets...damn them!
Thanx Pete your da man ! :thumbsup:$7.95 for a cigar that should sell in Ohio for around $6.00 max with local OTP upsets me. I did not raise my prices and will not this year at all. The retailers should not be on my product. Not a fan of raising across the board when they are not being charged more. No worries brother I got this handled.
$7.95 for a cigar that should sell in Ohio for around $6.00 max with local OTP upsets me. I did not raise my prices and will not this year at all. The retailers should not be on my product. Not a fan of raising across the board when they are not being charged more. No worries brother I got this handled.