Dude I'm still anxious for certain beers. I tend to hurry my English and American beers along, but my belgians I take time with.
You can add 1 cup DME with 2 cups water, boil for 15 mins then cool to room temp. Throw that into your 2 liter with the yeast and shake it a little. In 2 days you can pitch that directly into your wort.So I am developing a recipe for a high gravity porter. I've never used liquid yeast but I did my research and with a target SG of 1.085 I know that it is the way to go and that I will need to make a starter. I plan to use 2 packs of Wyeast British Ale II and make a 2 liter starter. So far so good. What I have found online I have had difficulty understanding in regards of when and how to pitch the starter. What I think I understand is that I make the starter 2-3 days before brew day. Then the starter should likely be at peak activity and I just pitch the entire 2 liters into the wort once it is chilled to pitching temp and in the primary. Is that right? Is it that easy?
Thanks for the help....
I do starters two different ways. I use a stir plate to aerate/drive off CO2/keep yeast in suspension. The stirplate is not the important thing. The one way you can do the starter is make it at 18-24hrs before you brew. That way when you're done brewing and finished chilling it should be right around the height of fermentation in the starter. The other way is do it up about 48 hrs before you brew. Then 12-24 hours before you brew put it in the fridge because it should have finished fermenting by the morning the day you brew. Then fridge will force the yeast to flocculate together and settle out to the bottom. Then you can pour off the non-flocculant yeast and reserve a small amount of liquid to stir the rest of the yeast back up into a slurry. Then just throw that into the fermentor. Like I said I do both ways depending on the the type of yeast.So I am developing a recipe for a high gravity porter. I've never used liquid yeast but I did my research and with a target SG of 1.085 I know that it is the way to go and that I will need to make a starter. I plan to use 2 packs of Wyeast British Ale II and make a 2 liter starter. So far so good. What I have found online I have had difficulty understanding in regards of when and how to pitch the starter. What I think I understand is that I make the starter 2-3 days before brew day. Then the starter should likely be at peak activity and I just pitch the entire 2 liters into the wort once it is chilled to pitching temp and in the primary. Is that right? Is it that easy?
Thanks for the help....