Now...I will be honest in that I'm getting a tad tired of the bumps in the myriad threads devoted to the Drac; all because of one thing: we each have a point of view. Which is more than fair! But...other than posting what we each would suggest Pete to do IN THE THREAD HE STARTED FOR THAT PURPOSE, the arguing in the rest of the threads has reached a point where I can see two points of view: those who believe money is what the monster line is meant to bring to a B&M and those who think that a limited edition cigar is for all. I have me own point of view, which I'm more than willing to share, and if I'm not mistaken I have done so; but this has turned into a never-ending "debate" that is really doing naught for us. So, if in the end it is Pete who will make ANY decision regarding the Monster line, why not save our breath for cooling our porridge? Let's just let it die.