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How are you filling your time?


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
I am a musician so i am out of work for who knows how long. During the day I've been filling out job applications for anything I can think of and practicing. At night I've been smoking cigars. It's been nice in a way but I'm going through my small collection quickly and without a source of income I don't see replenishing anytime soon. Things could be worse though. I'm happy I have a few good cigars to smoke for now and I'm enjoying this time at home with my wife and my dogs. I was supposed to be on the road for a couple of weeks. It's a little depressing in a way but I'm trying to look on the bright side of things I guess.
I hear Amazon needs 100,000 jobs filled right away...I have no idea what jobs or where, but might be worth looking into :)
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Oct 21, 2016
Chi-kah-go (not Chi-caw-go)
Now it's being reported that fast food restaurants ( restaurants in general ) are being raided for their toilet paper rolls and stealing those as well as paper towels out of the racks... unbelievable!!
This was happening at the hoity-toity place I work (ed) last weekend. Rich assholes stealing our cheap toilet paper


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Things are on hold or me right now because my job requires me to travel and meet with my distributors and their customers. Since most factories have either closed their doors or are not allowing visitors, I am unable to make sales calls along with my distributors. In addition, companies like Fastenal and Grainger have cancelled their national trade shows so my schedule is pretty clear right now. Thankfully the owner of our company has decided to take this time to work on internal efficiencies and we have started working on projects that will make our lives easier once everything returns to normal. When I'm not on the road I work from my home anyways so I am already geared up to do my job from here.

On a personal note, we were pretty well stocked up on toilet paper, paper towels, etc. before this all hit and we have a freezer full of meat so no worries there. When we do get food from a restaurant, 90% of the time we would grab takeout and bring it home or have it delivered so not much of a change there either. The biggest change is that we are not able to go to church or our Bible studies but these have moved online now so just the same thing in a different format.

Otherwise, I have just been spending my time as I usually do. Going online, watching old movies on TCM, reading books and smoking when I get the chance. With the weather warming up here I should be able to get outside soon and start working on some of the outdoor projects on my honey-do list. All in all not much has changed other than I am able to stay home for awhile instead of jumping in my car or on an airplane every week.


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
I'm up to speed! I'm just an introvert that works at a power plant, so nothing in my life has changed! Although there's rumors flying around that we may get locked on site at some point in the near future.

Pros:24/7 pay, straight time not on shift and either 1.5-2x when on shift, free meals, and an unlimited supply of toilet paper!!!

Cons: away from family for potentially upwards of 60 days

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They're talking of quarantining two shifts at the refinery I work at as well. I'd sign up in a heartbeat for 24/7 pay for a few weeks.
Daughter is home from college probably until the fall. Switching to online classes. I hope they reimburse me for half a semester's worth of lodging and meal plans.( around 8k for 1/2 semester!) Those are more than the tuition.
Other than low TP reserves, its life as normal here
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Never Settle
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Jan 4, 2015
Our 3 boys are out of school until at least April 13. There are no requirements to complete work for the boys and they will get stir crazy soon. I've been out of work for a while, so everything just goes on as it was for me. I go for walks and listen to the radio. Did our taxes. Spent today reseasoning my cast iron skillet. Probably will give it more attention tomorrow. I'm going to grill brats tonight. I discovered the Pluto streaming channel. You guys should check it out. All free and some decent stuff...movies, binge watch channels. Commercials, though. Search the job ads and talk to HR people. Watch Youtube.

Supplies are OK here. TP can be found if you're persistent. Meat was picked over, but again, you can find anything you need if you're persistent. You may need to go to three places instead of your usual haunt or odd places that have groceries, like the hardware store.

Iowa has closed "non-essential" businesses, but life goes on without too much disruption. Just a lot of people working from home.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
I hope they reimburse me for half a semester's worth of lodging and meal plans.( around 8k for 1/2 semester!) Those are more than the tuition.
Other than low TP reserves, its life as normal here
Illinois had already said their universities will prorate the dorm and food costs and refund the students or their parents. I hope Texas follows suit for you.
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Jan 14, 2017
Grand Prairie, Texas
I haven't seen my students since the 6th of March. We were out on Spring break when it hit the fan. Haven't returned and won't now for the rest of the year. Teaching and managing students is almost impossible. But the family has been having fun as much as possible. Haven't had much issue with shopping. I stock up on paper goods because they are cheap at Walmart. I don't like to go there so I buy enough for months. We've bought one 12 pack of TP since January and that was just in case. Eggs have been a challenge. Smoking 1-3 a day though. Watching a lot of netflix and doing odds and ends around the house when the weather is decent we will go on long drives in the Challenger.


"That guy"
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Oct 9, 2018
Delaware, AR
A rare night off, but I slept in till 2130 (equivilant to noon). Haven't had a chance to make any coasters lately, so the new Gen 3 Dran coasters (cheaper, easier to make a bunch to bomb) were launched! If I do decide to ever sell, I think they will more closely resemble the 2nd generation!

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Jul 4, 2019
Assuming some, if not most of us are spending more time at home these days what are you doing to fill your spare time? Or are you still at Walmart trying to find that last roll of toilet paper and can of Spam?
Working on home projects. Just finished up some custom wooden floating shelves. Hope all stay safe.
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
My wife and I both have essential careers, so we’re both still working. But during this time on our days off together, we managed to clean up the house a bit.

My next project is to try and work on finishing up the basement insulation and try to frame up some makeshift storage areas so when this is all over my cousin can come and run some electric for me.